Local Chapter Information
SaySo is thrilled to have so many local chapters already developed. See the list of local chapters in the navigation bar. Click to see what is happening with the local chapter in your area. Local chapters can submit their news or update their current contact information by emailing [email protected] We are happy to also include approved pictures.
If a local chapter does not exist in your region, click here to download the Local Chapter Start Up Kit.
What do I need to start a local chapter?
The interest in starting a chapter needs to come from the young people. One or two is all it takes to generate interest. The SaySo Board of Directors can send a youth to speak with a local group of young people to share what local chapters can do and how they have benefited from such a group. No worries... SaySo will help you through the process. OH.... you also need to select an Adult Supporter and provide that contact information to SaySo. Adult Supporters do just that... support you and the group as it develops, helps get the word out to other young people in the area, and helps to find a central location for meeting. Most adult supporters are LINKS coordinators, social workers, mentors, residential staff, foster parents, and GAL's but it can be any adult who the local youths have asked to help support their goals efforts.
Benefits of a Local Chapter
Local Chapter development is important in North Carolina because we have a "state supervised, county administered foster care system." This means that the state advises the services at the county level but that counties are permitted to determine how policies and regulations are governed in their area. What this means is that what one county requires for a CARS (Contractual Agreement for Residential Services) agreement may differ from another county. A local chapter has the ability to discuss such issues with their local administrators to help make decisions that are best for the young people in that county. The State SaySo Board of Directors does not have influence at the county level - but we can sure help get you to the right people to speak to!!
Also, it is easier to have more frequent meetings in a local area instead of waiting for the next SaySo event. Some local chapters meet either before or after the county LINKS meeting. Some chapters are a combination of a county DSS group and a private group home. Any combination can work.
How do we get our local chapter acknowledged by SaySo?
Once you have determined your local chapter membership and have elected your executive officers (such as President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer), send those member names and officers, along with the contact of your Adult Supporter to the SaySo office. A certificate will be generated and mailed to you OR presented at the next SaySo Saturday Membership Conference. All local chapter are publically acknowledged at SaySo Saturday so be sure to attend!