Make A Difference Day

SaySo, Inc. partners annually with the USA Weekend Make a Difference Day and HandsOn Network. Newman's Own is a longtime supporter of this national day of volunteerism.
Held annually on the fourth Saturday of October, this largest national day of service is sponsored by USA Today and the Newman Foundation.
When and Where?
October 1-31
Everything is through Amazon Due to Covid-19
More information in the link below
What To Expect
Traditionally, SaySo collects duffle bags to distribute to foster youths of all ages around the state. This action has prevented many young people from carrying their possessions in trash bags. Can you imagine the humiliation of carrying your belongings into a college dorm in a trash bag? Of having that bag break and your personal items fall to the ground. This day of service provides a simple way for anyone in the community to assist this fragile population.
NEW INDIVIDUALS - If you are new to this website and you want to attend this event please click and complete this registration form and either mail, fax, or email the information.
GROUPS - If you would like to register a group of people for this event click this group registration form and either mail, fax, or email the information.
SaySo MEMBERS - If you are already a registered user of SaySo website click the register link below for this event.
To: LINK-UP, SaySo, Inc., 411 Andrews Road, Suite 140, Durham, NC 27705
Fax: (919) 384-0338 Email: [email protected] Questions? Call 1-800-820-0001
*All registrations will be confirmed by letter (with a complete agenda and Map directions to location). Please call office for lodging information.