SaySo Page Week: February 2017
SaySo Survivor XII Registration
SaySo Saturday 19th Birthday Bash REGISTER NOW
SaySo is Accepting SRA Applications
Wayne County
SaySo Newsletter- September 2016
Social Security Income Info
Download PDF HERE
Dear Colleague,
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a new policy to help youth transitioning out of foster care access Supplemental Security Income (SSI)! Youth transitioning out of foster care are a particularly vulnerable population. Studies have confirmed what advocates in the field know from experience – that youth who age out of foster care are more likely to experience negative outcomes, including homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, and lack of access to health care. Many of these young people have disabilities that could qualify them for SSI, and that cash assistance can be a vital source of stability as they transition out of the foster care system. Yet too often, youth leave foster care without SSI benefits in place, and with no other source of income or support, placing them at a high risk of becoming homeless while they wait for their SSI applications to be processed and approved.
Fortunately, the SSA is piloting a new policy that allows foster youth of any age to apply for SSI up to 6 months (180 days) before they leave care. Beginning August 1, 2016, foster youth can submit an application and get a disability determination 6 months before their expected discharge date, even if they do not yet meet the income eligibility requirements due to their foster care payments.
This new policy is a one-year pilot program, and we need your help to make it successful! Here’s what you can do to help:
Use the new policy! Help foster youth apply for SSI 6 months before their expected discharge date.
Share this toolkit! This toolkit includes several resources intended to spread the news about SSA’s policy and to assist in the application process – share it with your colleagues. The toolkit is also available online at or
Give us feedback! Tell us about any issues you encounter with the policy, as well as any success stories. We want SSA to see the benefit of the new policy, and so it’s important to be able to demonstrate the positive impact it has.
Karen U. Lindell Skadden Fellow Juvenile Law Center [email protected]
Claire Grandison
Staff Attorney Community Legal Services [email protected]
Laura Kolb
Staff Attorney
Homeless Advocacy Project [email protected]
Request A Speaker
Are you a social work professor needing someone with lived child welfare experience to speak to your class, a book club that has read Surviving the Storm or want more information on foster care, a social worker wanting an alumni to speak to your foster parents, or a trainer needing a speaker. A individual, church, group, club or organization seeking to learn more about foster care and what to hear from someone who knows what its like first hand then consider SaySo for your next event!
Within a 2 to 4 week notice, SaySo alumni and staff can come talk to you. Please use the form below to give us as much detail as possible about the focus of your topic so we can match the speaker to your event. Speakers include alumni of the foster care system who have experience aging out, signing CARS agreements, siblings, parenting, with Juvenile Justice, Substance Abuse Recovery, mental illness, managing birth parent relationships, etc.
We do not charge for talks, but do ask for a suggested donation of at least $25 and mileage depending on the amount of time requested for the alumni who have to travel, take time off work, arrange for childcare, etc. Thanks for your support and for spreading the word about our work to educate the community about youth that are or have been in substitute care
Please click here to complete the Google form with the details of your request
Understanding Normalcy
Check back periodically for SaySo updates on the Normalcy Act!
Download important tools and information...
- Prudent Parenting Tools: Click to receive two tools: Guidelines to Reasonable and Prudent Parenting and Applying the Guidelines (Questions to ask)
- Creating Normalcy for Young People in Foster Care Webinar facilitated by a young adult, resource parents, and state policy analyst. Webinar developed by a collaboration of the Jordan Institute at UNC, Forsyth YIT, NCDHHS, Independent Living Resources, and SaySo
- How to have a Town Hall meeting - download to set up a local conversation. View the webinar and discuss the Guildelines together.
SaySo Alumni were invited to witness Governor McCrory sign SB 423 into law on Thursday, July 2 at the Governor's Mansion. Chaney Stokes, Marcella Middleton, and Roman Rys were joined by SaySo's Chief Administrator, Nancy Carter, Senator Tamara Barringer, and Karen McLeod (Benchmarks NC) in this historic moment. For years, the permission barriers were staggering preventing youths in foster care from participating in normal youth activities such as school sports, field trips, extra-curricula activities, community events, overnights, trips out of state, and learning to drive. This new law - nicknamed the "normalcy act" by many advocates will help eliminate those barriers by granting foster parents the power to give permission for youths to participate in normal childhood experiences.
SaySo is honored to have been a part of this process and also to be part of developing "normalcy practices" that will be used as a guide to help foster parents discern when DSS permission is and should be expected. We were so pleased to be joined by other foster youths in NC. Together we are making a difference for thousands of young people!! Take a bow SaySo!
This bill does many things for children in foster care and parents choosing to foster. It would create liability insurance for foster parents and allow parents to make more decisions on behalf of the children in their care such as attending sleepovers or going on overnight trips, remove barriers to children getting drivers licenses while in foster care and provide them with insurance, and to study a Medicaid waiver for children with serious emotional disturbance. With changes voted on by the House, the bill passed the Senate and was sent to the Governor. This is terrific news for NC, foster families, and especially for young people in foster care.
Read more...article in Winston Salem Journal
Board Of Directors Meetings
SaySo Board Meetings: All BOD members, Adult Advisors, and Adult Supporters to the BOD should register to confirm their attendance. REGISTER
1. June 14-16, 2016: BOD Orientation, Raleigh (Wake County)\
2. July 2016:Connected with LINK-Up (Mecklenburg County)
3. September 16-18, 2016: BOD Meeting, Durham (Durham County)
4.November 2016:Connected with LINK-Up (Cumberland County)
5. December 09-11, 2016: BOD Meeting, Durham (Durham County)
6. March 2017: Connected with SaySo Saturday "SaySo's 19th Birthday", Jamestown (Guilford County)
Governor Signs Foster Care Family Act into Law
SaySo depends on the support of private donations from individuals and corporations to expand our programming and support young adults beyond what is provided in our relationship with NCDHHS.
We are also interested in hearing how SaySo can support your work or enhance the community engagement of your workplace or organization.
SaySo wants to give our most sincere thanks to all of our 2016 generous donors and supporters.
We are very grateful for your heartfelt kindness!
Thank you so much for your contributions.
Click the logo's below to learn more about our sponsors.
The Marvin Family
Alamance County LINKS
Courtney Dunkerton
JD Williams-Alamance GAL
Store #0939
Store #394, #172, #224
SaySo SuperStars Monthly Report
SaySo Superstar Rewards
SAYSO Superstars Point System
(For Chapter Reward Program and SAYSO Store for Individuals)
Chapter Reward Program
Whichever Local Chapter That Earns The Most Points
Will Receive A Party For Their Members.
These Parties Could Be Bowling, Movie Outing, Pizza Party, Arcade, ECT.
Starting a new local Chapter |
50 pts |
Participating in a speaking/advocacy event involving substitute care |
40 pts |
Monthly meeting and completion of monthly report |
35 pts |
Creating and completing a community service project |
30 pts |
Creating and completing a fund raising event for the chapter |
30 pts |
At least 10 new members recruited and registered with SAYSO main office |
30 pts |
SAYSO Store for Individuals
There Will Be Multiple Opportunities And Prizes For Individuals To Earn.
There Will Be A SaySo SuperStar 'Store' That Individuals Can Cash
Their Earned Points In Exchange For Fabulous Prizes. These
Prizes Will Include Converse Chuck Taylor "ALL STAR" Gym Bags.
Other Prizes Will Soon Be Announced!!!
Additionally, After The Year Is Up, The Top 10 Earners Will Be Entered
In A Raffle For A Dell Latitude E6320 Intel i5 Windows 7 Laptop
Fully Refurbished And Windows Office Suite Installed.
Participating in a speaking/advocacy event involving substitute care |
35 pts |
Attending a monthly meeting |
30 pts |
Recruiting new member |
25 pts |
Participating in a local chapter community service project |
20 pts |
Participating in a fund raising event for the chapter |
20 pts |
Attending SAYSO sponsored events (LINK UP, It’s My Transition, etc.) |
20 pts |
Submit Monthly Report →HERE
The new "SAYSO Superstars Rewards Program" provides an incentive for youth to get invoived with community service, advocacy, fundraising,memeber recruitment ,local chapter develpoment , attending monthly meetings,and participating in SAYSO events. Youth can earn points for each activity in which they are engagged in and local chapters earn points for each activity they plan and implement. Individual points can be used to purchase reward itemsin the SAYSO store at SAYSO Saturday. Items currently in the store include CArolina Panthers hats, T-Shirts, and bags, Converse Chuck Taylor duffle bags, Otterbox Phone cases for iPhone 5 and 5s,gift cards,and more. In addition to those wonderful items the top ten holders will be entered into a raffle for a Dell Lattitude Laptop with Windows and the full Microsoft Office suite . The local chapter with most pointswill win a gift for a party (the party will depend on what is available in the winner's county etc....... pizza,bowling,arcade,skating,and etc.)
Board Of Directors Meetings
SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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SaySo Social Media
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Moore County Update LINKS! Fall, 2014
Moore County LINKS!
LeAnn McKoy
1036 Carriage Oaks Drive
Carthage, NC 28327
(919) 947-7402
[email protected]
A Word from Ms. LeAnn
In September, we completed our plans for Make A Difference Day, the menu for our Thanksgiving Cooking Activity, as well as identified our ‘Bonfire’ themed Holiday Social. I Hope to see you there! Also, during that meeting we had, a representative from Job Corp shared information regarding the program.
Did you know that Job Corps:
- Is a residential program that provides housing, meals, basic medical care, and a living allowance?
- Offers hands-on career training and education to prepare you for a good job?
- Services youth from 16-24 years of age?
- Is FREE to eligible youth?
- Helps change your life?
- Allows youth to attend whether you have a GED, high school diploma or have dropped out of high school?
October 7, 2014 at 6p.m. at Moore County DSS
Joint event with LINKS and Foster/ Adoptive Parents with a representative from the State Employee’s Credit Union sharing information on services available, protecting your credit, as well as filing taxes
Upcoming Events
Saturday October 25
For Make a Difference Day 2014, we will be volunteering at Aloha Zoo of Cameron. This is an animal reserve. Dress in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Closed toe shoes are encouraged. After this, we will have lunch in Sanford, followed by going to Gross Farms of Sanford to go through their Corn Maze and possibly a hay ride for our Fall Social. I hope EVERYONE will be able to join us. This is different from what we planned at our meeting but I was unable to coordinate with the schools for our original project. COME PREPARED TO WORK & THEN HAVE SOME FUN!!!
Looking Ahead:
November 13:
Thanksgiving Cooking Activity as well as a representative from a local insurance agency to share information on how you as youth can get vehicle insurance at the best rates.
December 4:
‘Bonfire’ Themed Holiday Social. I’m thinking about roasting hot-dog weenies, Smore’s, and having a lot of great fun as we wrap up another great year!
SaySo Board Of Directors
If you would like to send a message to any of the Board members listed below, please email [email protected].
The SaySo Youth Board Of Directors (BOD)
The SaySo Youth Board of Directors (BOD) is an elected body of young people who meet the eligibility for SaySo membership. Each of the six regions can elect up to three representatives to the BOD to serve a one year term. Elections are held only on SaySo Saturday, annual membership conference held the first Saturday of March. The BOD is the only voting branch of the SaySo Team (adults and SRA's do not have voting power). Potential BOD members are nominated and voted upon during the Regional meetings held at SaySo Saturday. Elected BOD members are commissioned in June at SaySo Orientation. Attendance is mandatory.
The BOD is also comprised of two Executive Officers of SaySo who are serving a two year term: a Co-Chair, and either a Secretary (elected in even-numbered years) or Treasurer (elected in odd-numbered years). Executive officers are elected at SaySo Orientation by the newly commissioned BOD. At most, the BOD can have 20 members.
Region 1 - Western North Carolina (Mountains Area)
Mary C.
Ahlivia M.
Julita M.
Region 2 - South Central North Carolina (Charlotte Area)
Angelica B (Treasurer)- " Hi, I am Angelica I am 17 years old and this is my first time being on the board. While I am on the board I want to make a tremendous difference in other youths lives".
Lanitta B.
Brianna D. (Co-Chair)
Region 3 - North Central North Carolina (Triad Area)
Micah J. (Sergeant in arms)
Jashia W.
Rose T. (Co-Chair)
Region 4 - Central North Carolina (Triangle Area)
Lyrika E. - " I am 17 years old, this is my first year on the board". I am from Wake County and I plan on making a big difference".
Symanthia L.
Eric G.
Kenneth S.
Region 5 - North Eastern North Carolina (including the Outer Banks)
Latara L.
Katara W. (Secretary)
Region 6 - South Eastern North Carolina (Down East)
Kaitlynn H.
Victoria W.
LINKS Coordinators
Name of Contact
Telephone Number
Are you aware of this dangerous situation?!
Human trafficking is a crime where innocent people are forced to do things against their will. It is a crime where people profit from the control and exploitation of others.There are different kinds of trafficking. The kind of trafficking that young people are most commonly targets of is sex trafficking. Teens who are trafficked for sex are manipulated or forced to engage in a sexual act in exchange for something of value (money, drugs, food, shelter, clothing, etc.). Some young people may be manipulated or forced into performing some type of work (domestic work such as house keeping, working in agriculture, selling merchandise door to door or in the streets) in exchange for something of value. This is called labor trafficking.
Human trafficking can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status, but there are certain things that might increase a person’s risk of being targeted by a trafficker. These risk factors can include the personal history of the young person being targeted, such as previous experiences of abuse or other trauma, but risk factors can also include community conditions like an established market for commercial sex (sexually oriented businesses, strip clubs, etc.). Learn how you can protect yourself and get the word out to other young people by exploring the links and resources here.
Just Ask VA is a public awareness campaign designed to expose the prevalence of sex trafficking in Northern Virginia. There is some information on this website that is specific to Virginia (crime tip reporting numbers), however most of the information is useful for learning about trafficking in general and can be applied wherever you happen to live. There is a lot of useful information for young people on this website, including quizzes to find out if you are at risk and resources to help you know what to do if you or someone you know is being manipulated, hurt, or trafficked.
Holly Austin Smith, a survivor of sex trafficking, is an author and advocate who serves as a consultant for AMBER alert and speaks about her experiences to educate law enforcement officers, services providers and raise awareness in communities.
Courtney’s House is a nonprofit organization that serves survivors of sex trafficking in the Washington DC area. Founded in 2008 by survivor, Tina Frundt, Courtney’s House also engages in raising awareness and providing training in local communities.
Polaris Project is a nonprofit organization that works in the United States and around the world to end human trafficking. Polaris Project works to strengthen federal and state laws, operates the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline, conducts trainings, and provides vital services to victims of human trafficking. Their website has a lot of information and valuable resource, including outreach materials.
The Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the Children’s Bureau, the Administration for Children and Families, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that provides access to materials for improving child welfare practice. This link contains information from various states and organizations about the relationship between the child welfare system and human trafficking, including building child welfare response to human trafficking, learning the pathways into and out of the commercial sexual victimization of children, and meeting the legal needs of child trafficking victims.
The National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections at the Hunter College School of Social Work is a training, technical assistance, and information service organization dedicated to help strengthen the capacity of State, local, Tribal and other publicly administered child welfare agencies to institutionalize a safety-focused, family-centered, community-based approach to meet the needs of children, youth and families. This link provides a long list of resources from a variety of sources on child trafficking. Some of the resources may be the same as those linked through the Child Welfare Information Gateway (referenced above).
Strategies for LINKS Workers and Resources for Parents:
● Media Literacy – Media literacy means being able to think critically about all forms of media that we consume (news, entertainment, advertisements,etc.) and ask questions like; who these various forms of media are targeting, what interests they represent, and what techniques they use to help persuade their audience. It is critical for professionals that work with young people (foster care workers), as well as resource parents (foster or adoptive) to become media literate and to teach young people how to become critical consumers of media. Raising your awareness about how businesses and other industries are sending messages to young people through media is an important component in the prevention of trafficking. Traffickers understand the messages sent by popular culture and they use these messages to recruit and exploit young people.
● Internet Safety – It can be difficult to keep up with the fast pace of technology and it can certainly be true that the young people you care about and work with every day have an understanding that surpasses your own, especially as technology changes. What you should know, however, is that there are resources to help ensure the safety of young people while they use the internet. The North Carolina Department of Justice has developed a video and a downloadable guide about keeping young people safe on the internet. Here is the link where you can access these materials:
● Coping Skills – Helping young people develop healthy coping skills can not only help prevent trafficking, but can help prevent young people from becoming involved in other dangerous or unhealthy situations. Healthy coping skills can also help young people manage stress, improve self-esteem, and build strong social support systems. All of these things can help prevent a young person from becoming the target of a trafficker.
● Extracurricular Activities – Like coping skills, healthy extracurricular activities can help prevent a young person from becoming trafficked. These activities could include, but may not be limited to, school sponsored clubs, sports, or programs, or other interests cultivated outside of school like art, music, dance, volunteering, or faith/church groups. There are several ways that extracurricular activities help young people, including building self-esteem, learning important skills like team work, and decreasing the opportunity to be involved in problem behavior. In fact, some research suggests that young people who are involved in pro-social activities are less likely to commit or be victims of crime.
● Tell Young People that they CAN say NO – It is hard to deny that our society is saturated with images of sex and distorted images of beauty and value. This can teach young people that sex appeal equals value. Helping young people to look beyond this message is important. Young people need to know that they have the right to say no to anyone at any time, no matter what. It is THEIR body and only theirs. NOBODY has the right to touch them - no matter what, no matter when. Hearing this from someone they trust and care about will only help to deepen the impact of the message. Don’t be afraid to talk to the young people you work with about their right to say NO - they need to hear this message!
● Encourage Young People to ASK QUESTIONS – Young people cannot protect themselves from undesirable or unsafe situations if they are not given the information they need to protect their health and safety. Intentionally providing false information or failing to provide accurate information (or any information) about their health, their bodies, and their lives is not helpful to anyone. Encourage young people to ask questions about sex or sexual orientation, physical health and nutrition, developing positive relationships with their peers, or what a healthy romantic relationship looks like. Most importantly; be there for them when they ask these questions. It may be uncomfortable, but that feeling is temporary. By coming to you with difficult questions they are telling you that they trust you. Don’t break that trust by refusing to engage in the conversation.
● Teach Young People HOW TRAFFICKERS WORK – Traffickers often can be found in the same places young people like to hang out, like shopping malls and online. They probably don’t look like you picture them. They will likely be well-dressed. They will probably be young – in their 20s or so. Traffickers may buy young people clothes, shoes, or other expensive items to win their affection. Traffickers also know how to use a young person’s vulnerabilities against them. This means that young people in foster care may be especially vulnerable due to their history of trauma. Make sure that young people know the techniques that traffickers use so that they can prevent themselves from being targeted or recruited.
● Encourage Young People to Raise Awareness – Encouraging and empowering young people to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking or educate others about media literacy is a powerful way to engage them in prevention. Not only will they learn how to protect themselves, but they will learn how to protect and empower other young people. Engagement in advocacy and awareness activities can enhance healing and growth, and help young people develop vital leadership skills.
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Beginning January 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will mandate that states provide extended Medicaid to youth who aged out of the foster care system. This differs from the extended Medicaid program in North Carolina for aged out foster youth as its for youth that were enrolled in Medicaid upon aging out and extends to age 26 rather than 21.
You may view an archived webcast on Implementing the Affordable Care Act for Adolescents and Young Adults: Practical Considerations at
The North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance plans to issue policy towards the end of this year in preparation of this new provision. In the meantime, we are encouraging counties to begin thinking about how to do outreach to their aged out youth, even those beyond their 21st birthday, to ensure that they are aware of this entitlement. The Division will work with its partners as well to begin strategizing ways to outreach to these young people.
Learn how the health care law affect you at This is the official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. See all your options and get the information.
...but if you still have questions regarding where you stand with Obamacare you can contact Marcella Middleton at [email protected] for help.
LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangender or questioning)
Here is the best provided information on LGBTQ youth and families in Care as well as contact information for support
Information for LGBTQ youth in Care
FAQ about Transgender Individuals & Gender Identity
iNSIDEoUT is a youth-founded, youth-led organization that provides leadership opportunities & a safe space for North Carolina's LGBTQISA-queer youth, both in & out of schools. By providing educational-, social-, & activism-oriented programs, iNSIDEoUT strives to form, strengthen, & network Gay-Straight Alliances while connecting & empowering youth, seeking to expand beyond the Triangle. iNSIDEoUT encourages you to become a part of our family & community.
If you have any suggestions for other topic or information you would like to add, email [email protected]
Supportive Services
Supportive Serivces is here with contact information for addtional assistance on issues that maybe personal to you. You may not want to share it with us, but we encourage you to please talk to someone who can help.
Here are a couple to look at:
National Suicide Prevention - 1-800-273-TALK1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Teen Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline - 1-800-799-SAFE1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Bullying Prevention Center
National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1-800-656-HOPE1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Suicide Prevention Resource Ctr (Teen tip sheet)
Text 4 teens
SaySo By-laws
Article I Name, Seal, and Offices
Section 1.1 Name. The name of this corporation is:
The name of this corporation shall not be used in connection with any meeting or program not approved by the corporation. This corporation may be referred to herein as the "corporation" or as “SAYSO” (standing for “Strong Able Youth Speaking Out”).
Section 1.2 Seal. The corporate seal of the corporation shall consist of two (2) concentric circles between which is the name of the corporation and in the center of which is inscribed SEAL: and such seal, as impresses on the margin hereof, is hereby adopted as the corporate seal of the corporation.
Section 1.3 Registered Office. The corporation shall have and continuously maintain a registered office and registered agent in the state of North Carolina. The registered agent or the location of the registered office within the State of North Carolina may be changed by resolution of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.
Section 1.4 Principal Office. The principal place of business of the corporation and the principal office of the corporation is currently located at the offices of Independent Living Resources, Inc., 411 Andrews Road, Suite 230, Durham, North Carolina 27705. The principal office may be changed at any time by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 1.5 Branch Offices. Other branch or subordinate offices may be established, by appropriate resolution of the Board of Directors, at any time and at any place or places as may be designated by the Board of Directors.
Article II Articles of Incorporation, Purposes
Section 2.1 Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation are incorporated into and made a part of these bylaws.
Section 2.2 Purposes. The purposes of this corporation are set forth in its Articles of Incorporation.
Section 2.3. Limitation of Purpose. It is expressly declared that the corporation exists for charitable purposes only and has not been formed for pecuniary profit or financial gain, and no part of the assets, income or profit of the corporation shall inure to or be distributed to the benefit of any member, donor, director, officer, employee or private individual. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate, or intervene in (including the publication or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the corporation shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on:
a. By a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or
b. By a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
Section 2.4. Public Support. The corporation shall conduct such programs and activities as the Board of Directors shall determine so as to attract broadly-based financial support from the general public, public charities and governmental units, on a continuous basis.
Section 2.5. Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution or liquidation of the corporation, the Board of Directors of the corporation shall dispose and deliver all assets of the corporation for such charitable purposes as are set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. Unless and until the Board of Directors shall determine otherwise, or the same shall be inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, the corporate assets shall be distributed upon dissolution or liquidation to the North Carolina Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse.
Article III
Section 3.1. Application for membership. Any individual, firm, corporation, agency, association, group, partnership or other entity eligible for membership in one or more classes of members as hereinafter provided may file with the Board of Directors of SAYSO an application for membership in said class or classes of membership. Upon payment of any dues as prescribed for the particular membership class, and upon acceptance of the application for membership, the applicant shall be considered a member in good standing of SAYSO.
Section 3.2. Classes of membership. The membership of SAYSO shall presently be comprised of a single class of regular members, and a special class of members, which shall be referred to collectively as the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee. The Board of Directors, in its discretion, may expand membership options into the two additional classes: (i) institutional membership, and (ii) associate membership.
a. Regular members shall include those individuals, age 14 to 24, residing in North Carolina, who are currently or have been in “out-of-home” care, including foster care, juvenile detention/training centers, group homes, kinship placements, and mental health placements.
b. Adult Advisory Committee members shall include those adult individuals, selected from time to time by the Board of Directors in the manner hereinafter described, who can provide dependable, committed and enthusiastic support, and advice, to SAYSO.
c. Institutional members (when authorized) shall include those firms, corporations, agencies, associations, groups, partnerships or other entities that support the objectives of SAYSO.
d. Associate members (when authorized) shall include all individuals who share the objectives of SAYSO but are not qualified as regular members, by reason of age or life experience, or place of residence.
e. Subject to the specific roles hereinafter set forth for the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee, it is understood that only regular members, as defined above, shall have voting rights in Society matters. It is further understood, however, that such voting rights do not include any entitlement to vote on bylaw amendments.
Section 3.3 Human Rights. Membership in SAYSO shall be open to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. SAYSO shall not discriminate against any person because of the above factors. While participating in the activities of SAYSO, all persons shall comply with this policy.
Article IV
Dues and Terms of Membership
Section 4.1. Dues and Terms of Membership. No regular member shall be required to pay dues, but may be required to affirm in writing, not more frequently than annually, the member’s desire to remain enrolled as an member. Unless otherwise provided herein, or otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, membership shall generally be determined on a calendar year basis. The amounts of dues, and terms of membership, for other classes of membership, if any other classes of membership are established, shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Section 4.2 Board Orientation Attendance (Amended September 25, 2010). Attendance to SaySo BOD Orientation is mandatory for all elected members to the SaySo Board of Directors. Absence will prevent a member from being commissioned to the SaySo Board of Directors. Exceptions to this should be a crisis and discussed with the SaySo Program Director. Final determination will be made by the Board at Orientation.
Article V
Board of Directors
Section 5.1. General powers. The business and affairs of the association shall be managed by its Board of Directors.
Section 5.2. Number, tenure and qualifications. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of twenty Directors, elected as follows: the membership of the six regions (1: Mountains; 2: Charlotte Area; 3: Triad; 4: Triangle and Fayetteville; 5: Northeast; and 6: Southeast) shall, at the Annual Meeting of Members, also known as the Spring Membership Meeting, or Say-So Saturday, elect three Directors from each region for a one year term. These eighteen will then serve with that Co-Chair and that Secretary or Treasurer who were elected in the prior year and have one year remaining, for a total of twenty Directors.
This Board will meet in connection with a Board of Directors Orientation Weekend and on the last day thereof elect from the eighteen newly elected Directors both a new Co-Chair and either a Secretary or Treasurer who would thereupon assume such office and serve (as Officer and Director) for a two year term. The Secretary will be elected in even years, and the Treasurer will be elected in odd years. A Sergeant at Arms will also be elected annually from the eighteen newly elected Directors.
Each of the Directors shall have the right to vote on all matters brought before the Board of Directors.
Each newly elected director shall take office at the end of the Board of Directors Orientation Weekend which follows the annual meeting of directors (held in conjunction with Say-So Saturday in the spring) and shall serve until a successor is elected and qualifies or until death or resignation from office. A director may resign at any time by filing a written resignation with the secretary of SAYSO. Directors must qualify as and be regular members of SAYSO at the time of their election, but may serve out their elective term even if they might otherwise age-out of regular membership or change their state of residence, as long as they are able to continue to attend meetings.
Section 5.3. Meetings. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately prior to and at the same place as the Annual Meeting of the Members of SAYSO, on the first Saturday in March, at such location in North Carolina as may be determined by the Board of Directors, without other notice than this Bylaw. All other meetings may be held in person or by telephone conference. The Board of Directors may provide, by resolution, for the holding of other regular or special meetings without other notice than such resolution, and will unless otherwise agreed have at least four meetings each year.
Special meetings may also be called by or at the request of the Co-Chairs or any twelve directors, such call to specify the time and place for the meeting.
Section 5.4. Quorum. A majority of the total number of directors fixed by Section 5.2 hereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business at any meeting of the Board of Directors. However, a majority of the directors present though less than a quorum may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
Section 5.5. Manner of acting. The act of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors.
Section 5.6. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors with respect to elective positions (including Officer positions) shall be filled pending the next succeeding annual election by a two-thirds vote of the directors then in office. Except in the case of filling a vacancy for an officer position, the next highest vote getter from the region where the vacancy arises shall be the only name placed in nomination for such vacancy, unless such person is not then a duly qualified regular member or otherwise unavailable to serve, or unless more than two-thirds of the directors then in office consent to an additional nomination.
Section 5.7. Presumption of assent. A director of SAYSO who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors or a committee thereof at which action on any Society matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless such director enters a dissent in the minutes of the meeting or unless a written dissent to such action is filed by said director with the person acting as the secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by restricted certified mall to the Secretary of SAYSO immediately following the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a director who voted in favor of such action.
Section 5.8. Informal action without meeting. Any action required or permitted by the articles of incorporation or bylaws to be taken by the Board of Directors at a meeting or by resolution may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the directors then in office.
Article VI
Section 6.1. Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs shall be filled by the election each year of a single Co-Chair, who shall be elected by the newly constituted Board of Directors to serve for a two year term. The Co-Chairs (or either of them) shall, when present, preside at all meetings of SAYSO and of the Board of Directors and shall have authority to sign, execute, and acknowledge, on behalf of SAYSO, those instruments provided in Article VII hereof and instruments necessary or proper to be executed in the course of SAYSO's regular business or which shall be authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors. When convenient, the Co-Chairs may also be referred to as Co-Presidents.
The Co-Chairs shall make appointments to any special or standing committees and subcommittees created by action of the Board of Directors or general membership.
In general, the Co-Chairs shall perform all duties incident to the office of a corporation’s president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.
In consultation with the Board of Directors, the Co-Chairs shall be responsible for preparing a program for the Annual Meeting.
Section 6.2. Secretary. The office of Secretary shall be an elective position, elected every other year (in even-numbered years) by the newly constituted Board of Directors, to serve for a two year term. The Secretary shall, with the assistance of the Executive Director (a) keep the minutes of the meetings of the general membership of SAYSO and of the Board of Directors in one or more books provided for that purpose; (b) see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, or as required by law; (c) be custodian of SAYSO's records; (d) maintain the register of the post office address of members of each class; (e) certify resolutions; and (f) in general, perform all of the duties incident to the office of a corporation’s secretary, and have such other duties and exercise such other authority as from time to time may be delegated or assigned by the Co-Chair(s) or the Board of Directors. The Secretary may be covered by a fidelity bond in an amount determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 6.3. Treasurer. The office of treasurer shall be an elective position, elected every other year (in odd-numbered years) by the newly constituted Board of Directors, to serve for a two year term. The Treasurer shall with the assistance of the Executive Director (a) have charge and custody and be responsible for all funds and securities of SAYSO, receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to SAYSO from any source whatsoever, endorse and deposit all such moneys in the name of SAYSO in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; (b) function as principal accounting officer in charge of books of account, accounting records, and forms of SAYSO; (c) maintain adequate records of all assets, liabilities, and transactions of SAYSO; (d) obtain from other officers all reports needed for recording the general operation of SAYSO or for supervising and directing accounts; and (e) in general, perform all of the duties incident to the office of a corporation’s treasurer, and have such other duties and exercise such other authority as from time to time may be delegated or assigned by the Co-Chair(s) or the Board of Directors. The Treasurer may be covered by a fidelity bond in an amount determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 6.4. Sergeant at Arms. The office of Sergeant at Arms shall be an elective position, elected annually by the newly constituted Board of Directors, to serve for a one year term. The Sergeant at Arms shall with the assistance of the Executive Director (a) be familiar with the applicable rules and assume responsibility for maintaining order at all meetings of the membership and/or the Board of Directors, (b) maintain the organizational scrapbook, and (c) have such other duties and exercise such other authority as from time to time may be delegated or assigned by the Co-Chair(s) or the Board of Directors.
Section 6.5. Replacement of Officers. In the event of death, incapacity or inability to serve of any of the corporate officers, the Board of Directors shall elect a replacement officer as provided in Section 5.6.
Section 6.6. Executive Director. SAYSO shall contract with any qualified individual, firm, agency, or other organization to provide a central administrative office. In connection with providing the office, the contracting organization may designate an employee to serve as Executive Director of SAYSO. The Executive Director shall, (a) assume certain of the powers, duties and responsibilities typically allocated to secretary or treasurer; (b) provide responses or referrals to general inquiries, handle routine correspondence to and from SAYSO officers, committees and members, and initiate other correspondence as directed by SAYSO officers; (c) provide administrative and promotional support for SAYSO's Annual Meeting to include securing facilities and services for the Annual Meeting at a site and within a budget determined by the board; (d) act as an ex-officio member of the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee, (e) act as a liaison with other associations; and (f) in general, perform all of the duties incident to the office of Executive Director and have such other duties and exercise such other authority as from time to time may be delegated or assigned by the Co-Chair(s) or the Board of Directors. The Executive Director may be covered by a fidelity bond in an amount determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 6.7. Appointments. As an operating procedure, the Board of Directors may reach agreements with appointees to the position of Executive Director for appointments of one to five years, with the provision for an evaluation preceding reappointment each year and a performance
review at the end of any such term of appointment if an additional term is being considered. All appointments or contracts shall be subject to the advice (review by) and consent (approval) of (a majority of) the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee.
Article VII
Members’ Elections of Directors
Section 7.1. Nominations. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor during separate regional caucuses conducted during the election portion of the agenda at the Annual Meeting, whereupon all nominees shall certify their eligibility to serve, and have be allotted a reasonable time (four minutes, unless the Co-Chairs determine otherwise) to make a statement to the other members from their region in support of their candidacy. Three Ballots shall be distributed to each regular member, to be cast in writing for the election of Directors from their region. The names of all nominated candidates shall be listed in a conspicuous place, but write-in votes shall also be permitted.
Section 7.2. Counts. The ballots shall be collected and counted on site by current or former officers not seeking re-election, or by adult volunteers, as may be appointed by the Co-Chairs, and the ballots shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes, one for each reason, with the results of the count certified by such teller as may have been appointed by the Co-Chairs.
Article VIII
SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee
Section 8.1. Numbers; Appointments; Term. This special class of membership (the Committee) shall consist of at least four, and no more than eight, adult individuals, selected from time to time by the Board of Directors in the manner hereinafter described, who can provide dependable, committed and enthusiastic support, and advice, to SAYSO. No member of the Committee shall be required to pay dues. Whenever the Committee shall have less than four members, or whenever the Board may determine that additional members (not to exceed an aggregate Committee total of eight) should be appointed, candidates for the Committee shall or may be identified and interviewed by the Board and appointed to the Committee for a two year term, but only upon the unanimous agreement of the Board of Directors. Members may also be reappointed upon expiration of any term, in the discretion of the Board. Committee members may also be removed, prior to the expiration of their appointed term, only upon the unanimous act of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee.
Section 8.2 Meetings. The SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee will ordinarily meet at the same times and places as the Board of Directors.
Section 8.3 Advice and Consent; Additional Responsibilities. The SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee is given special rights respecting advice and consent to Board actions, as otherwise set forth in Sections 6.7 and 14.3 herein. Additional responsibilities of the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee, such as may involve a general advisory role, accompaniment to workshops and conferences, or the providing of transportation, will be determined by the Committee in consultation with, and subject to the approval of, the Board of Directors.
Article IX
Society Business Transactions
Section 9.1. Endorsement of stock certificates. Any share or shares of stock issued by any corporation and owned by the corporation may, for sale or transfer, be endorsed in the name of SAYSO by the Co-Chairs, or either of them, subject to specific directions as to such sale or transfer by the Board of Directors.
Section 9.2. Voting of shares. Any share or shares of stock issued by any corporation and owned by the corporation may be voted at any shareholders' meeting of such corporation in person or by proxy by the Co-Chairs, or either of them.
Section 9.3. Deposits. All funds of SAYSO not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of SAYSO in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as may be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 9.4. Execution of deeds, mortgages and releases. All deeds, conveyances, leases and mortgages of real property made by SAYSO shall be executed by the Co-Chairs, or either of them, and all releases of mortgages, liens, judgments, and other claims that are required by law to be made a matter of record may be executed by the Co-Chairs, or either of them, in each case only pursuant to specific approval of such action by resolution of the Board of Directors..
Section 9.5. Negotiable instruments. Unless otherwise determined by action of the Board of Directors, all checks, drafts, notes, bonds, bills of exchange, and orders for the payment of money of SAYSO must be signed by any one or more of the Co-Chairs or the treasurer, and by the Executive Director.
Section 9.6. Borrowing money. The treasurer may borrow money up to a maximum total amount of $1,000, with the consent of the Executive Director, but without further Board of Directors authorization, and may pledge as security therefor stocks and securities of SAYSO as required.
Section 9.7. Purchase and sale contracts. Unless otherwise determined by action of the Board of Directors, the Co-Chairs shall have the authority to enter into written or oral contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services on behalf of SAYSO, and the secretary (or treasurer) may enter into written or oral contracts for the purchase of supplies, postage, printing services, and other goods and services reasonably related to operation of the office of secretary (or treasurer), only with the express approval and joinder of the Executive Director. The Executive Director may enter into written or oral contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services reasonably related to the operation of the central office and duties assigned to the Executive Director.
Section 9.8. Indemnification. It is intended that the directors, officers and employees or agents of the corporation shall not have personal financial responsibility for the corporation's expenses. The corporation shall accordingly have power to indemnify to the fullest extent permitted by law any present or former director, officer, employee or agent, including any person engaged in corporation business through committee service or otherwise, expenses and costs (including attorney's fees and judgments or fines) actually and necessarily incurred by him in connection with the defense or settlement action, suit or proceeding to which he is made a party by reason of his being or having been such official, except in relation to matters as to which he shall be finally adjudged to be liable for willful misconduct amounting to bad faith. Such indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled apart from the provision of this By-Law. The corporation shall have the power to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf on any person who is or was an official of the corporation against any liability asserted against such official arising out of his status as an official.
Article X
Fiscal Year
Section 10.1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the association shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors, from time to time.
Article X
Procedures for Meetings
Section 11.1. Parliamentary authority. The rules contained in Roberts' Rules of Order Revised shall govern meetings of the membership and meetings of the Board of Directors in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, or applicable law.
Article XII
Appropriations and Expenses
Section 12.1. Annual budget. The Board of Directors shall approve the annual budget for the association, which approval shall constitute authorization for expenditure.
Article XIII
Section 13.1. Special committees. There shall be such special committees as the Board of Directors shall, from time to time, create by resolution. The Co-Chairs, upon the advice of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the chairperson and all members of special committees for one-year terms.
Section 13.2. Ad hoc committees. The Co-Chairs may, from time to time, create ad hoc committees, whose existence shall terminate with the expiration of the Co-Chairs' term of office, but may be extended by the succeeding Co-Chairs so long as the committee is not in existence more than three years.
Section 13.3. Travel expenses for committee activities. Committees may incur travel expenses in connection with their assignments only as specifically authorized by action of the Board of Directors except that the Executive Director may, at his or her discretion, authorize travel expenses for an individual member in clearly unusual circumstances. In general, the association does not assume responsibility for travel or other expenses associated with committee activities.
Article XIV
Section 14.1. Amendment By Board of Directors. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors at a meeting in which a quorum is present and at which the same is voted on.
Section 14.2. Membership Opportunity for Discussion of Bylaw Amendments. While the Members are not entitled to vote on bylaw amendments, the Board of Directors will not, in the absence of compelling need, vote to adopt a bylaw amendment without there having first been some presentation to the membership and opportunity for discussion, in at least general terms, respecting the amendment or the need for an amendment, at an Annual Meeting of the Members. This requirement of an opportunity for membership discussion in general terms shall not require that all of the details of an amendment shall have been presented to the membership for discussion, it being understood that the Board of Directors shall have the discretion to resolve any potential differences in opinion respecting an amendment, or the need for an amendment, through creative negotiations, and that the good faith determination of the Co-Chairs that the required opportunity for membership discussion has been satisfied shall be conclusive on the matter.
Section 14.3. Advice and Consent Required for Certain Amendments. Notwithstanding the foregoing, these Bylaws may not be amended to eliminate or otherwise modify the role of the Executive Director, or the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee, or the terms of such special membership, in either case without the advice and consent of (a majority of) the SAYSO Adult Advisory Committee.
Access Downloadable copy here of SaySo's by-laws: By-laws (2011)(1).pdf
Brunswick County
Brunswick County Local Chapter was established in July 2012
Kalyn DenBleyker, SaySo Regional Assistant for Region 6 Email: [email protected]
Soap & More for SaySo
Strong Able Youth Speaking Out
November 26 - December 4
**Donated hygiene items will go to foster children who are in the care of Brunswick County DSS.**
Recommended items include, but are not limited to:
Soap - any kind! (i.e. hand soap, bars of soap, body wash, hand sanitizer)
Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Mouthwash, Floss
Shampoo & Conditioner
Feminine Products
Brushes & Combs
Hair Products
Nail Clippers
Face wash
Collection bins for donations will be located at
North Brunswick High School,
East Columbus High School,
Brunswick County DSS and
Health Department,
the Brunswick County Courthouse Guardian ad Litem office, and
First Baptist Church of Leland.
If there are any questions contact Renee Walker at (910) 253-2384
Clarification between ETV and NC REACH
We come across many students that are under the impression that the ETV and NCReach applications are one in the same. This is NOT accurate, and can put a hold on their funding.
If applicable, students need to fill out BOTH, ETV and NCReach applications, once a year. Their login info is the same for both:
• ETV -
• NCReach -
Note - the two applications merge together in our system, therefore, updates only need to be done once.
The forms needed are the SAME and needed each semester funded:
• Financial Aid Release Form - student fills out the top, and school fills out the rest and faxes to us
• Budget Sheet - student fills out form and faxes back to us
• Participation Agreement - student reads, understands, signs and faxes back to us.
Please share this information along with new students and those already in the system. Some do tend to forget from one year to the next.
Remember, we are always available for questions or concerns.
Tracy Clary - [email protected]
Meg Clohan - [email protected]
Wendy Kiser - [email protected]
America's College Fund for Foster Youth
Bill of Rights
Is Here!!!
SaySo, with support from the NC Division of Social Services, has finished our Foster Youth of NC Bill of Rights and also a NC Siblings Bill of Rights.
The SaySo Board of Directors formally endorsed both “Bills” on December 8, 2012, and we are advocating for the documents to be endorsed by the NC General Assembly.
The process has been ongoing as the SaySo Legislative Pages have annually reviewed Foster Youth Bill of Rights endorsed by other states. This past summer, Titianna G., NCDSS Summer Intern and former SaySo Board member, combined the documents to formulate drafts which were then reviewed by the current SaySo Board of Directors and approved.
To Download Click
Foster Youth of North Carolina Bill of Rights
To Download Click
Casey Life Skills
Casey Life Skills
As of September 30, 2012, the Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment is no longer available. The Casey Life Skills assessment will be used instead.
This assessment can be used online or on a printed version of the assessment.
A Guidebook and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available to assist with learning the new assessment.
Some of the basics:
Agency and worker accounts via CLS
Each county creates their own profile.
Each LINKS worker creates their own log in – connect to the Agency Profile.
If other agency workers create a log in, they should also connect to the Agency Profile, and be aware they too would have access to other youth CLS records.
If the agency selects a central administrator (like the LINKS Coordinator), you can invite co-workers from your agency profile page.
How to use the CLS Assessment – the Basics:
Go to
Click “Create a free account” or “sign in”
Click the youth you want to review or “Add New Youth”: Enter first, last and Date of Birth
Locate youth in log and determine how the CLS will be administered:
a. You can then either start/return to an assessment on line right away
b. Send youth an email to start the assessment online at their location.
c. Print a blank form of the assessment
d. Youth creates their own account (See Complete Guidebook for Instructions)
a. You can then either start/return to an assessment on line right away
Which Youth assessment? CLS must be completed by youth. (Other youth assessment options may need to be considered especially for youths younger than age 13 or with special consideration, i.e., homelessness.) Other options are at youth and worker discretion.
Choose the assessment and agree to the security terms. (Worker will be logged out at this time for youth to complete assessment if this option is chosen.)
The assessment can be saved and exited at any time.
As questions are answered, youths will move through seven areas (Daily Living, Self-care, Relationships & Communications, Housing & Money Management, Work & Study Life, Career & Education, and Looking Forward).
A Caregiver can be invited to take the assessment only AFTER the youth has completed their assessment. Caregivers can take the assessment in one of three ways:
- A Comparison Report will be prepared once the Caregiver assessment is complete.
SaySo Survivor VII May 2012
SaySo Survivor VII - Tony Brazil's Presentation
SaySo Survivor is an annual leadership retreat focused on identifying, using and sharing your resiliencies.
In May 2012, Tony Brazil (former foster youth and current businessman) presented his take on resiliencies.
If you'd like to get in touch with Tony or learn more about SaySo Survivor, please email [email protected] or call 800-820-0001
Social Networking
What's Up with Social Media?
This presentation was originally developed by two SaySo members who also served as summer interns in 2011 with the Division of Social Services. At the time, administrators wanted some guidance on how to use social media, dangers, and benefits to using with foster youths. It has since been presented several times in North Carolina to both youths and adults (professionals and caregivers) to help facilitate discussions and clear up assumptions.
This presentation also made its national debute in September 2012 at the National Independent Living Association (NILA) Conference in Atlanta. Over 50 people attended this workshop which was lively, engaging and helped everyone discuss their concerns and need to develop guidelines for both professionals and youths in care.
If you would like a SaySo youth(s) to present this workshop to your youth or adult audience, please email [email protected] or call 800-820-0001.
View Social Media
Bridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap Workshop
This workshop is a PowerPoint presentation and interactive activites, combined to help youths build their support system.
Youth will learn to ask the tough questions when it comes to "who can you count on?"
This presentation was originally made at the National Independent Living Association (NILA) Conference in Atlanta, September 2012 to a larger youth audience. It was engaging and well received.
For more information about this workshop or to have a SaySo member present this with your group, please contact [email protected] or call 800-820-0001
View Bridging the Gap
Youth Guide for Psychotropic Medications
NEW for youth to help guide your decisions around medications.
What you can expect to find in this guide:
• Recognizing you need help
• Knowing your rights about your health and who can help you make decisions
• Considering your options, including helpful approaches other than medication
• Making decisions about how best to stay healthy
• Maintaining treatment (taking medication safely and continuing or stopping treatment after leaving foster care)
Making Health Choices: A Guide on Psychotropic Medications for Youth in Foster Care
Iredell County
Iredell County Local Chapter was established in November 2011.
Adult Supporter Contact
Shayna Rouson: [email protected]
What They Are Saying
We love throwing these events for you guys, and we also love hearing about them from you. So let us know how you feel.
- It's My Transition
- Link-Up
- SaySo Saturday
- SaySo Survivor
- SaySo Page Week
- SaySo Make A Difference Day
Write in your comments about our events, we want to hear from you.
comments powered by Disqus
Health Care Power of Attorney
What is a Health Care Power of Attorney?
A health care power of attorney is a document that allows you to choose a person who will have the authority to make health care decisions for you if you are unconscious, mentally incompetent, or otherwise unable to make decisions.
A health care power of attorney will stay in effect forever, unless you name a new person, or you specify a date for it to end.
Why Do I need a Health Care Power of Attorney?
There may be times that you are unable to participate in making decisions about your health and will need someone to do that. Consider this: You are in an accident and become unconscious. Someone will need to consult with the physicians and consent to your medical treatment AND it can't be you.
If you do not have, or want a relative to make those decisions, you will benefit from having a health care power of attorney or health proxy. This allows you to choose who will make those decisions. They could be decisions around surgery or proceedures, medicines, or next steps to take. The main point is you have the option to name YOUR health care power of attorney and not leave these decisions to chance.
How Do I name someone to be my Health Care Power of Attorney?
Before leaving care, speak with your social worker about "executing a health care power of attorney" document. This document is legal and recognized by the state. Name this person in the document.
Be sure to select someone you trust. It could be a friend or relative or a lawyer. Anybody could be given this authority. The main thing is that the person you choose not abuse this power and will look out for your best interests.
Holidays - SaySo Style
During the December Board meeting, SaySo members find an unusual way to celebrate.
This year, Chaney Claus came riding into the meeting on a fully decorated John Deer! (Rudolph wasn't available this year!)
Partnership with the United Way
SaySo has partnered with the United Way of the Greater Triangle to help raise funds for their new initiative to help increase financial stability for foster youths in Orange, Durham, Wake and Johston counties. Funds raised will be used to help match youths' savings as they progress through the financial literacy training and meet goals.
Team Tocqueville (United Way funders group) sponsored an event at Hasentree Golf Course (September 2011) and afternoon tea at the Washington-Duke Inn (November 2011) to help educate participants in the transitional needs of foster youths and how financial stability is a huge obstacle to a successful transition.
Other events are planned for 2012 and beyond to help sustain the program.
Marcella and Chaney speak at the Tocquevill Tea with support from Lauren.
Transitioning from foster care is not as easy as it seems.
It requires planning and lots of preparation.
The Foster Club has a Transition Toolkit that will help you anticipate the bumps in the road and what you can do now. It thoroughly reviews the areas (domains) necessary for a successful transition. Use it and you won't miss a thing!
A Permanency Pact is also available. The Pact will make you think of all the areas where you will need support through your transition and secure the assistance of adults in your life as you make that transition.
Check it out!
"iSAYSO because... I matter... and so do you!"
Watch our videos @
This page is all about you and what you have to say. It includes poetry, stories, raps and testimonials from SaySo members, alumni, and supporters.
Feel free to submit your original work to [email protected]
Enjoy and please give credit to those who have been willing to share their thoughts with you.
A Forgotten Child (Savannah H)
A Return to Love (Marianne W.)
Able Youth Speaking Out (Daniel C.)
NO Fairytale Ending (Keyona R.)
Our Biggest Fear (Marianne W.)
Our History Together (Casey H.)
We Gotta Start Loving (Lisa W.)
Why are Fathers Important? (Donisha A.)
Special Additions
***Contributed by Operation Healthy Family (OHF) co-produced with Level Ground, this song "Place to Place" is dedicated to those foster youths who have aged out of foster care onto the streets homeless with no education or employment. (click the song to see the YouTube video). It speaks about the issues of teens who age out of the foster care system. Four teens featured in the video have recently aged out of foster care and are apart of The Mocking Bird Society a foster care advocacy group. OHF wanted to help shed light on the foster care system and the growing epidemic of foster youth who age out of foster care.
***North Carolina's own Jimmy Wayne grew up in foster care and has become a nationally known country singer. Many of SaySo youths have met him at statewide events. Check out his song called Paper Angels on YouTube about the children named on the Angel Trees found in area malls during the holidays. He has also written a book about this song.
How to get your credit report
Get a Credit Report!
Foster Youths are at HIGH risk of identity fraud!
A new law just passed that required every youth in foster care age 16 and older must have a credit report every year while in foster care! It started September 30, 2011
Click here for a copy of the entire law. The section on credit reports for foster youths is at the top of page 6 under "Case Plan and Case Review System."
Why get a credit report?
This is a great law because foster youths are at high risk of identity theft! While in foster care, any number of people who have access to your personal information (such as social security number and birthdate) can open accounts and run up debt or stop paying bills using your name without your knowledge.
This is a BIG problem when it is time for you to transition to the adult world. Businesses and companies will run a credit check on you before you rent an apartment, get cable, buy a car, open a cell phone account and things like that. If you have bad credit, they can deny you services or ask for a large deposit to cover the cost of the service in case you don't pay your bill.
What will a credit report tell me?
Each credit report (there are three agencies that provide credit reports) will give you a full report. The report will list times when your information was provided to open an account. This will include things like opening an store credit card, a cell phone account, student loan, and things like that. Be sure the information is correct. The new law says your social worker needs to help you understand what the report says and help you resolve any inconsistencies in the report. Resolve this before transitioning from foster care. This is your life so be sure to talk to your social worker about it, understand it, and get your report cleared up early.
How do I get a FREE credit report?
You may go to Federal Trade Commission for a list of FAQ's.
***This online process is only for ages 18 and older. Minors cannot receive credit reports online it must be done in writing. Agencies need to provide proof of guardianship to get a minor's credit report. (See addresses below)
- Go to
- Select State and click "Request Report"
- Fill out the form - including your Social Security number, date of birth, and so on...
- Click "Continue"
- You are then taken to a page that lists all three reporting agencies - click the check box for all three names
- You will be led through each agency
- You will be able to see, save, and/or print the reports
- You can only get a FREE credit report ONCE per year (or it will cost you) so figure out a good time to do this annually - like your birthday.
The reports will also tell you what to do to resolve any false or inconsistent information.
How to protect vulnerable children from credit reporting problems (click to be directed to article)
Credit Reports for Minors:
Requests for credit reports for minors must be done in writing. Be sure to include the name, address and social security number of the person for whom your requesting the report and proof of guardianship.
Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.
How to Find and Keep a Job
(Taken from the “The Pocket Guide to Independent Living,” ILR, Inc.)
Getting a Job:
I. Where to look?
a. Newspapers – Classified Ads
b. Employment Security Commission
- See telephone book for address
- Computer browsing of available jobs in a given area
- Counselors will help
c. Employment Agencies
- Fee is usually required
- Some employment agencies deal only with temporary placements
d. Friends, neighbors, or relatives
II. How to begin to get a job
a. Call, write for, or pick up an APPLICATION
b. Complete all parts of the application
- Use black ink
- Keep it neat
- Spell everything correctly
- Provide complete and accurate information
c. Return application promptly and in good condition (not wrinkled, torn or spotted)
d. Make a follow up call in about a week if you have not heard from the company
Interviewing Tips:
III. Having a good interview
a. Shower, shave (if appropriate), wash hair, and brush teeth before going for interviews
b. Do not chew gum or smoke
c. Dress in clean, neatly pressed, appropriate clothing and clean, polished shoes
d. Arrive at least 5 minutes early (never late)
e. Inform secretary or receptionist of your presence and purpose
f. Greet interviewer politely
g. Offer to handshake only if the interviewer extends hand first
h. Wait to be told to be seated
i. Answer all questions in complete sentences
- Always give honest answers
- Maintain eye contact
- Smile often
- Use proper grammar (no slang or vulgarity)
- Keep answers to the point and in response to what was asked
j. Do not touch things in office or on the desk
k. Keep feet on the floor
l. Try to hold questions until asked if you have any
Keeping a Job
IV. Helpful hints for keeping a job
- Report to work when scheduled
- Arrive on time/leave as allowed
- Keep sick time to a minimum
- Call in when ill
- Request time off as early as possible
b. Do QUALITY work
- Do job to exact specifications
- Correct mistakes
- Do assigned jobs completely
- Do not be careless
- Never think that “Close enough is good enough”
- Take pride in doing each job well
- Be cheerful
- Be cooperative
- Accept requests willingly
- Offer positive comments
- Learn to express feelings in words
- Describe situations accurately and clearly
- Talk out problems and concerns
Changing Jobs
V. When to change jobs
a. When your hours/pay are not enough
b. When problems at present job cannot be resolved to mutual satisfaction
c. When the work you are doing is no longer satisfying
d. When you have an opportunity to advance with another company
e. When home and work are too far apart
VI. How to change jobs properly
a. Give notice of intent to employer
- Minimum two weeks/Maximum 30 days
b. Leave on good terms
- May need to use present employer as a reference
c. Return all work items provided by employer
d. Give forwarding address so that final paychecks, W-2 forms, etc., can be sent
Gaston County
Gaston County Local Chapter was established in August 2011.
Adult Supporter Contact
Tiyania Shands [email protected]
Make A Difference Day that Gaston County SaySo Local Chapter partnered with Hope for Gaston on October 5th to help distribute food for the community.
On October 21st, Gaston county are going to partner again with Hope for Gaston to organize their clothing closet for the community.
Please call to let us know how many are planning to attend.
704-862-7609 or 704-862-7689
Gaston County SaySo Chapter will be participating in a food Give-a-way with Hope 4 Gaston on, October 3rd as part of MADD. Hope 4 Gaston is located 402 W. Trade Street Dallas, NC.
Nick Thomas a -co-chair with the SaySo Board is speaking at York Chester Middle School.
Randolph County
Randolph County Local Chapter was established in July 2011.
Adult Supporter Contact
Katy Garris [email protected]
Phone: 910-274-6196
Meeting Times:
Our local chapter meets the SECOND TUESDAY of each month at 6:30 PM (Our LINKS meeting follows around 7:00 PM)
We welcome youths from surrounding counties as well if you do not have a local chapter.
What we are doing?
For Make a Difference Day, we started a on-going project of collecting clothing and necessity items for both children and youth for when they come into foster care..
We have been visiting local churches and speaking to groups about being a foster parent.
Pitt County
Pitt County Local Chapter was established in March 2010.
Adult Supporter Contact
Shante Carson [email protected]
Nazareth & Rowan County
Nazareth Children's Home and Rowan County Local Chapter was established in March 2010.
Adult Supporter Contact
Donna Cagler (Nazareth) [email protected]
Tisha Warren (Rowan) [email protected]
Halifax County
Halifax County Local Chapter was established in March 2011.
Adult Supporter Contact
Kathy Richardson [email protected]
Forsyth County
Forsyth County Local Chapter was established in September 2010.
Adult Supporter Contact
Carmelita Coleman [email protected]
Durham County
Durham County Local Chapter was established in March 2010.
Adult Supporter Contact
Fantasia Johnson [email protected]
Craven County
Craven County Local Chapter was established in November 2009.
Adult Supporter Contact
Hollyanne Trombley [email protected]
Robeson County
Robeson County Local Chapter was established in March 2009.
Adult Supporter Contact
Ghee Johnson [email protected]
Union County
Union County Local Chapter was established in March 2009.
Adult Supporter Contact
Angie Mallard [email protected]
The next Union Co LINKS peer group meeting will be held Thursday Sept. 18, 2014 at the Ag center on HWY. 74 from 5pm-7pm and this will be our annual cooking class with Cheri Bennett.
Alamance County
Alamance County Local Chapter was established in March 2009.
Adult Supporter Contact
Jason Eberly [email protected]
Crossnore School
Crossnore School Local Chapter was established in March 2008.
Adult Supporter Contact
Maria Russell
Wayne County
Wayne County Local Chapter was established in March 2008.
Adult Supporter Contact
Octavia Muhammad
Orange County
Orange County Local Chapter was established in March 2006
Adult Supporter Contact
Rhonda Reese
Surry-Stokes Counties
Surry-Stokes Counties joined to establish their local chapter in September 2005.
Adult Supporter Contact
Andrea Brandon and Mark Fuhrman
Catawba County
Catawba County Local Chapter was established in July 2004.
Adult Supporter Contact
Sarah Saleet
Onslow County
Onslow County Local Chapter was established in March 2004.
Adult Supporter Contact
LeRae Burroughs
Guilford County
Guilford County Local Chapter was established in July 2002.
Adult Supporter Contact
Sheletha Stewart
Guliford County SaySo chapter participated with Greensboro Beautiful. We selected a park and picked up the trash that was there. There were over 1000 volunteers to do this all over the city on September 12th.
Cumberland County
Cumberland County Local Chapter was established in March 2002.
Adult Supporter Contact
Pamela Burch
Wake County
Wake County Local Chapter was established in March 2002.
Wake County SaySo chapter will be participating in MADD on October 22nd in conjunction with Stop Hunger Now. They will be packaging meals that go to feed families in 3rd world countriesfamilies.
Caldwell County
Caldwell County Local Chapter was established in September 2001.
Currently inactive
Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg County Local Chapter was established in September 2001.
Adult Supporter Contact
Lisette Woods.
Moore County
Moore County Local Chapter was established in January 2001. SaySo's first local chapter!
Adult Supporter Contact:
LeAnne McKoy
Moore County engaged in a dual day of service and social. We started the day packaging school supplies with the Back Pack Pals program of Moore County that provides these supplies to homeless/displaced youth in the school system. We packaged over 50 backpacks with notebooks, pencils, pens, pencil boxes, rulers, glue sticks, folders and personal hygiene products. Our day was concluding by overcoming some fears visiting the Woods of Terror in Greensboro. I was determined that I wasn’t going in because someone needed to guard the van, but by the end I did brave through it. It wasn’t that bad.-Leann Mckoy
SaySo Local Chapters
Region 1-Mountains
Crossnore School
Caldwell County
Catawba County
Iredell County
Region 2-Charlotte Area
Gaston County
Mecklenberg County
Rowan County
Union County
Region 3-Triad
Alamance County
Forsyth County
Guilford County
Randolph County
Surry-stokes County
Region 4-Triangle/Fayetteville
Cumberland County
Durham County
Moore County
Orange County
Robeson County
Wake County
Region 5-Northeast
Halifax County
Pitt County
Wayne County
Region 6-Southeast
Brunswick County
Craven County
Onslow County
Local Chapter Information
SaySo is thrilled to have so many local chapters already developed. See the list of local chapters in the navigation bar. Click to see what is happening with the local chapter in your area. Local chapters can submit their news or update their current contact information by emailing [email protected] We are happy to also include approved pictures.
If a local chapter does not exist in your region, click here to download the Local Chapter Start Up Kit.
Benefits of a Local Chapter
Local Chapter development is important in North Carolina because we have a "state supervised, county administered foster care system." This means that the state advises the services at the county level but that counties are permitted to determine how policies and regulations are governed in their area. What this means is that what one county requires for a CARS (Contractual Agreement for Residential Services) agreement may differ from another county. A local chapter has the ability to discuss such issues with their local administrators to help make decisions that are best for the young people in that county. The State SaySo Board of Directors does not have influence at the county level - but we can sure help get you to the right people to speak to!!
Also, it is easier to have more frequent meetings in a local area instead of waiting for the next SaySo event. Some local chapters meet either before or after the county LINKS meeting. Some chapters are a combination of a county DSS group and a private group home. Any combination can work.
What do I need to start a local chapter?
The interest in starting a chapter needs to come from the young people. One or two is all it takes to generate interest. The SaySo Board of Directors can send a youth to speak with a local group of young people to share what local chapters can do and how they have benefited from such a group. No worries... SaySo will help you through the process. OH.... you also need to select an Adult Supporter and provide that contact information to SaySo. Adult Supporters do just that... support you and the group as it develops, helps get the word out to other young people in the area, and helps to find a central location for meeting. Most adult supporters are LINKS coordinators, social workers, mentors, residential staff, foster parents, and GAL's but it can be any adult who the local youths have asked to help support their goals efforts.
How do we get our local chapter acknowledged by SaySo?
Once you have determined your local chapter membership and have elected your executive officers (such as President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer), send those member names and officers, along with the contact of your Adult Supporter to the SaySo office. A certificate will be generated and mailed to you OR presented at the next SaySo Saturday Membership Conference. All local chapter are publically acknowledged at SaySo Saturday so be sure to attend!
SaySo Scrapbook
We are working on this page!
Come back and visit soon.
We'll have pictures of lots of events and times when SaySo members are "speaking out!
SaySo at the Eaton Corporation
SaySo Survivor: 6-12-04
SaySo Pages 2009
SaySo Saturday 2013
SaySo Survivor 2013
College Students
College Students - Vocational, Community, and Universities
- Try to maintain a regular routine including healthy eating and sleeping habits.
- Start a study group to stimulate your thinking but also make friends.
- Get involved in the FREE activities at your school - even if your are not sure whether you'll like it. You never know.
- Even if you have a s solid plan for a career and future, consider signing up for On Your Way: A planning for your future website that offers a lot of information and interactive features for financial aid, budgeting creating a resume, and a personal portfolio of all your information...with security so you won't loose it.
- Contact SaySo about starting a local chapter at your college. More current and previous foster youths are attending college. SaySo can help you get in touch with young people just like you. The support is essential and SaySo is always getting more information that can help you along the way.
CLICK HERE - For a list of ALL North Carolina Four Year Colleges
CLICK HERE - For a list of ALL North Carolina Community Colleges
Are you in debt with student loans????
Read about Forgivalbe Education Loans for Services (FELS)
CLICK HERE - For a list of ALL North Carolina Vocational, Technical, and Trade Schools
Helpful Documents for New College Students
Preparing for College
Attending College
NC Reach
NC Reach
NC Reach is a state funded scholarship offered for up to 4 years, including fall, spring, and summer school terms. The program funds up to the school’s full cost of attendance after other public funds and scholarships have been applied. NC Reach provides comprehensive student support, including Virtual Mentors, Care Packages, and internships.
NC Reach helps students meet the basic financial requirements they face when enrolled in postsecondary education. The amount of funding students receive is based, in part, on the Cost of Attendance (COA) determined by their school.
Am I eligible for NC Reach?
North Carolina students are eligible for NC Reach if :
- They are legal residents of North Carolina eligible for in-state tuition rates.
- They were adopted from North Carolina DSS foster care after age 12 or aged out of NC foster care at age 18 (must have been in NC DSS foster care on 18th birthday.).
- They are enrolled in one of the 74 North Carolina Public colleges, universities, or community colleges.
- They have not yet reached age 26. Student remain eligible until their 26th birthday.
Visit to learn more, apply online, participate in web-based seminars, and connect to state resources to help you succeed in college.
Clarifications between ETV and NC REACH
ETV - Education Training Vouchers
ETV = Education for foster youth
The Education Training Voucher (ETV) program awards grants to current and former foster youth to help pay for college or specialized education. ETV grants are funded by the federal government and administered by the states. In most states, eligible students may receive grants of up to $5,000 per academic year.
The Foster Care to Success organization administers the ETV program for the states listed below. Eligibility requirements and available funding vary by state.
North Carolina ETV
The North Carolina Education and Training Voucher Program is a federally-funded, state-administered program designed to help youth who were in foster care. Students may receive up to $5000 a year for qualified school related expenses. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students. Applicants must complete the ETV application which includes documentation each semester that is sent directly from the school to ETV confirming enrollment, the cost of attendance (COA) and unmet need.
1. You must be a current or former foster student who was:
- in foster care on or after your 17th birthday.
- adopted from foster care with the adoption finalized AFTER your 16th birthday.
- entered into a kinship guardianship placement from foster care on or after your 16th birthday.
2. You must be a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen.
3. Your personal assets (bank account, car, home, etc.) are worth less than $10,000.
4. You must be at least 18 but younger than 21 to apply for the first time. You may reapply for ETV funds, if you have a current grant, up to the age of 23.
5. You must have been accepted into or be enrolled in a degree, certificate or other accredited program at a college, university, technical, vocational school. To remain eligible for ETV funding, you must show progress toward a degree or certificate.
Click here to start your online application.
Questions for ETV in North Carolina????
Email the NC ETV Coordinator [email protected]
Clarifications between ETV and NC REACH
Planning for more education?
Planning for more education beyond high school?
- Sign up for : A planning for your future website that offers a lot of information and interactive features for financial aid, budgeting, creating a resume, and a personal portfolio of all your information...with security so you won't loose it.
- Financial aid. Make sure you fill out the FAFSA to apply for financial aid as soon as you can after January 1 of your senior year of high school. You can file the forms you need to at: It will take some time to fill out the forms (especially the first year) but the financial reward is worth it.
Some suggestions for filling out the FAFSA forms:
- Review the form first.
- Read every question before answering.
- Make sure you have all the information/documents needed.
- Get someone to help you fill out and review the form.
- If you are still in FOSTER CARE - Say "yes" to question, which asks, "Are both your parents deceased or are you a dependent/ward of the court?"
- DO NOT put any information about your biological or foster parents in the form.
- Hints for completing the form and answers to common questions can also be found at
- CLICK HERE for "TIPS on how to fill out the FAFSA" ... The tips were created JUST for foster youths.
- Check out the ETV program... Click "North Carolina" and apply on-line to be eligible for up to $5000 per year to help you through school beyond financial aide awards.
- Don't forget to sign up for the SAT's. Take it your junior year at least once and again in fall of your senior year.
- Check out a bunch of different vocational and trade programs, which can offer REAL WORLD job training and great salaries. The job market is currently full of needs in machinery, electronics, repair, technology, medical, nursing, teaching, and others that can be satisfied with a certificate or graduation from a two year program.
- You can also visit North Carolina's own college foundation website to find information in regards to applying for colleges, financial aid and other questions that you may have at College Foundation of NC.
- Princeton Review Website is a great resource for anyone getting ready for their college search. Anyone can register to find information on: Colleges, financial aid, scholarships, SAT and ACT prep tests and courses and so much more.
CLICK HERE for helpful information on how ADULTS can help young people prepare for Post-Secondary Education and access Financial Aid
High School Students
High School Students
- Stay in school - you won't regret it.
- If possible stick with a high school diploma, GED's won't earn you as much money as a diploma.
- If getting a GED is a better option, plan to continue your education beyond a GED at a community college or vocational school. Trades are oftentimes earning more money than college degrees right now.
- If you are working and going to school, try to limit your weekly hours to 20 or less. More than 20 hours and your grades will suffer. Not cool.
SIgn up for On Your Way:
- It's a FREE website with no gimmicks!!
On Your Way is a way to plan for your future that offers lots of information and interactive features:
- budgeting,
- creating a resume,
- figuring out your learning style, and a
- personal portfolio of all your information...with security so you won't loose it.
- Traditional high school holding you back? Talk to your guidance department about the other options you have:
Check out the:
- Dual enrollment program (you can get your high school diploma and college credit at the same time through a community college),
- Middle or Early College Programs
- Vocational options, including apprenticeships and internships.
- Review your school transcript...frequently to see if you have enough credits to graduate. It may be worth taking summer school classes to graduate with your friends.
Click here for a Checklist for High School Students of what to do each year to prepare for college.
For You Guidebook & Video
This video and guidebook was written to help youths coming into foster care in NC. The SaySo members who wrote this discuss topics including:
- LINKS and Life Skills
- Support while in Foster Care
- Legal Issues
- Sexuality and Health
- SaySo
Enjoy this gift just FOR YOU!!
Click here to download the Guidebook
Click here to view the video.
NYTD Training for Youth by SaySo
This presentation was created by the SaySo Board of Directors to help LINKS youths understand the purpose and complete the National Youth in Transition Database survey.
Click "Open" and "Read Only" to access the PowerPoint.
NYTD Training Youth by SaySo.ppt
The presentation can also be downloaded and printed as a PDF Document.
NYTD Training Youth by SaySo.pdf
Working with Youth (for GAL’s)
Top 12 list for Working with Youth!
This document is written by youths and GAL administrators to assist Guardian Ad Litems working with foster teens.
This presentation was created by young people involved wiht SaySo and the Yancey County LINKS Program. The young people from Yancey County have presented this workshop at SaySo Saturday and has given permission for SaySo to post it so other members can use this important information about how to use the legal system and LINKS program to its fullest potential.
Click "read only" to access the PowerPoint
CFT is All about Me!
CFT Is All about Me!
This presentation was created by two SaySo Alumni who attended state sponsored training on the Child and Family Team Meeting process. This presentation informs young adults how to make the most out of these CFT meeting AND keep the focus on their needs.
Click here to view the PowerPoint. CFT is All About Me!
Click Read Only to access the presentation.
For You Guidebook
This "For You" Guidebook was written by SaySo youths as a gift to help you understand what you need to survive and thrive in the North Caroina foster care system.
Download the guidbook and either save to your computer or print a copy for your personal use. It covers a lot of stuff... it's a gift and it's especially FOR YOU!
How to Dress for Success
You know what they say....
You only have ONE chance to make a first impression!
The way you dress is a LARGE part of that first impression and the ONE thing you have alot of control over!
This booklet, PROFESSIONAL DRESS, was created by one of our founding members, Melinda. She knew a million ways to dress professionally on the cheap!
We share this booklet every year with the young adults selected to participate in the SaySo page program and with our elected Board of Directors.
Click Professional Dress for your own copy of this resource.
Jobs & Work Experiences
A job does not always have to be a paid position - but it helps. If paid employment is not available, consider getting "work experiences" that you can put on a resume to help you get a job down the road.
Employers like to see that you are interested in doing something constructive.
Job Opportunities
- SaySo Program Coordinator
- Summer Internships from The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
Both applications are available at
More learning = more earning $$$$$$$
SaySo is committed to helping all youths in substitute care finish high school and get whatever post-secondary education (any education after high school) you want to have the career you choose. At any SaySo event, we'll have information about education but you can start right here.
Click the level of education that most interests you!
Planning for more education beyond high school?
ETV (Education Training Vouchers)
College Students - Vocational, Community, and Universities
Scholarship Info - Foster Care to Success
2012-2013 Admission Deadlines and Open House Dates for NC Colleges
Studentaid-The Department of Education created a useful website to assist young people when they are thinking about attending college and a one-page resource has been added to the website to inform people about the Education and Training Voucher Program (located here: )
Housing Information
Housing Resource Information
Here are some documents and websites about housing issues in North Carolina and Nationally.
Documents (all can be found in the "For You" Guidebook):
Beginning Your Search -
Leasing Questions and Needs -
Roommates -
Planning Your Move -
Apartment Checklist -
Carolina Outreach, LLC - Offers assists to youth transitioning out the foster care
Free Housing Service in North Carolina - just enter the city or area of the county where you hope to live and options will become available.
North Carolina Housing Search - Great resource for affordable housing throughout North Carolina. - Great resource for apartments both in NC and nationally. - Great resource for apartments and even looking for roommates locally and nationally
Craig's List - Great resource for anything from apartments, roommates, to furniture. They even have a FREE section!
Laws, Rights, and Advocacy
Laws, Rights, and Advocacy
This section will help to outline the rights that youths in substitute care have. It will also include laws and policies relevant to young people AND hopefully you'll also learn how to advocate for yourself.
For instance, laws have recently indicated that before a young person leaves foster care, they may consider completing a document naming someone as their Health Care Power of Attorney. Click here to learn more.
If you find other resources or websites you would like us to link to, please submit your information to [email protected]
Thanks and enjoy!
Click Here for an Empowerment PowerPoint Presentation. When you open it a box will pop-up & click "Read Only". The Power Point will open.
This presentation was created by the young people in Yancey County to help teach other youths ho to advocate for themselves.
Documents related to Laws, Rights and Advocacy in the For You Guidebook
Becoming Your Own Advocate
Your Rights in Foster Care
Foster Care Timeline
North Carolina Websites:
Covenant with NC Children - SaySo is a member of this statewide advocacy organization comprised of member from all over NC interested in issues relevant to children and youth.
North Carolina General Assembly - Find out who from your area represents you in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Start emailing them so they know what the issues are for NC youths in substitute care.
North Carolina Guardian Ad Litem - The state website for the GAL program. Learn what a GAL is and how he or she can help. Also see
Youth Advocacy and Involvement Office -
National Websites:
Foster Club - Foster youth website full of information, support, resources for all youths nationally
Booster Club of Foster Club - adult supporter website of the Foster Club
The Finance Project - This portion of The Finance Project is focused on the needs of transitional youths and a framework to keep youths Connected by 25.
Resources on LGBTQ Youths in Foster Care - LGBTQ youth in foster care face additional challenges. Explore this site to understand more about the concerns, rights, policies, and practices regarding the needs of these young people.
NCLINKS is the program in North Carolina to assist young adults (ages 13-21) with their transition to adulthood - which means "getting out on your own!"
All the policies about LINKS can be found on this website:
Here is some Basic Information about LINKS:
- You (the young adult) have to be involved in assessing what you know and need to know to make a successful transition.
- You also have to be involved in writing your transition plan which has goals related to those things you learned in the assessment part.
- You are eligible to receive services to meet those goals if they are related to the SEVEN LINKS Outcomes listed below.
- Every DSS has a LINKS Coordinator (sometimes more than one person share this job) to help LINKS aged youths.
- Every DSS has funding available to provide those services however the amount depends on the county. The DSS also can apply to the state NCLINKS program to reimburse the DSS if you need something that falls within the special funding category. This is not guaranteed funding.
- You can continue your education after high school with the help of ETV and NCReach (see educational page for more information).
These are the SEVEN LINKS Outcomes (the things that will help you make a better transition).
It is the goal of the NCLINKS program that all seven outcomes are in place when you leave foster care.
- You have enough money to meet daily needs (now and when you live on your own).
- You have a safe and stable place to live.
- You have the academic/vocational training in an area of your interest, abilities, and goals.
- You are connected at least five adults outside the foster care system that help provde you emotional support.
- You are avoiding hi-risk behaviors (stuff like, drugs and other substances, violent behaviors to self and others, running away, etc.).
- You are postponing parenting until you are emotionally and financial ready to have a child. This goes for both guys and girls.
- You have access to medical and behavioral health care services, including dental care.
That's a lot of stuff to have ready before you leave foster care but with support from your LINKS coordinator and SaySo, you can do it!
Some hints to help you out:
- Start getting work experiences as soon as you can and save as much as you can.
- If you are having trouble in a subject at school, don't wait - get help or tutoring as soon as you can.
- Think about what career interests you and find out what kind of education you need to be ready for that career.
- Get support from other young adults like you in your LINKS group and SaySo. You are not alone.
- Ask Questions... you are not expected to know everything at this point in your life so you might as well try to get all the information you can while folks are trying to help.
- Participate in your CFT (Child & Family Team) meetings. This is important. See our CFT information so you know more about how to participate to get your need met.
- Attend your court hearings or communicate with the judge by letter if necessary. It is important for the judge to know the person he or she is making decisions about.
Remember most of all...PARTICIPATE IN YOUR LIFE!
Don't let "them" (anyone) make decisions about you without you!
Organizational Chart
The SaySo Organizational Structure continues to change as the organization grows. Your support helps us do just that!
SaySo's ultimate vision is that alumni will continually be added to the administrative team resulting in an organization not only driven by the goals and desires of young people but managed by them as well.
Please download the following Organizational Chart to view our current structure.
Partner Organizations
SaySo Partners
SaySo is very greatful to the following organizations who over the years have partnered with SaySo to help the young people in North Carolina.
Together we have accomplished so much more than we could have otherwise. Thank you for your continued support!!
UNC Institute of Government
Fostering Perspectives Advisory Board
Advocates for Children's Services
Legal Services of NC
NC Kids Guardian Ad Litem Program
North Carolina Foster and Adoptive Parent Association
Covenant with NC Children
National Independent Living Association
Fenwick Foundation
NC Administration of the Courts, Court Improvement Program
NC Stakeholders Board for MH/DD/SAS
Independent Living Resources, Inc.
Workforce Development Institute
Prevent Child Abuse NC
Jordan Institute UNC School of Social Work
Southeast Independent Living Curriculum Advisory Board
National Alumni Network
Below is a brief listing of the Accomplishments of SaySo:
Presented at the annual NC Statewide Children's Conferences
Presented at the NCFPA statewide conferences
Presents annually at the National Independent Living Conference
Participates in Court Improvement Program conferences and seminars
Participated in NC GAL statewide conferences and trainings
Sponsored the 2002 National Advocacy in Action Conference
Trains 13-15 year old foster youths at annual NC LINK-Up conferences statewide
Participated at the IL National Leadership Conference
Speaks annually at all youth conference sponsored by the NCLINKS program
Coordinates annual SaySo Saturday conferences for 200+ foster youths
Keynote speech at statewide Adoption Celebration 2002
Meetings & Trainings
Participates in continuing education training for Family Court Judges
Assists with MAPP training for Foster Parents
Spoke at Adoption/Abandonment meetings in Greensboro.
Participates in annual attorney and social worker training at UNC-CH
Participate in trainings with the Center For Family and Community Engagement
Provides articles and book reviews for Fostering Perspectives
Wrote a PR campaign on NBC-17 (Superbowl Sunday) to recruit foster families for teens
Contributed towards Advocates for Children Services brochures on Rights/Responsibilities of Foster Youth and Independent Living
Developed a youth friendly CFT brochure for the Center For Family and Community Engagement
Did an ad on TV, posters, radio announcements to recruit foster and adoptive parents (Charlotte)
Believe in a Child ad on TV, posters, radio announcements to recruit foster homes for teens(Raleigh)
Publish 6 annual newsletters (archived) for members and supporters
Became the March 2004, Everyday Hero for Fostering Families magazine
Developed a SaySo presentation format for members to use at speaking engagements
Contribution to others
Contributed to the formation of the National Alumni Network(NAN)
Contribution to Social Services for Pregnant and Parenting Teens
Provided information on health issues related to foster teens
A sponsor for Child Abuse Vigil
Contributed to the SE IL Curriculum Advisory Board
SaySo in Government
Wrote a letter/met with Gov. Hunt
Met with Hillary Clinton in Washington, DC
Initiated a week for members to participate in the House, Senate and Governor's page programs (Annually since 2005)
Other Accomplishments
Coordinating a statewide Make a Difference Day Project for all foster children (Annually since 2004)
Provided the award recipients for National Youth of the Year (2002 and 2003) through the NILA
Provides regular speeches at regional adoption celebrations throughout North Carolina
Master of Ceremony for a Youth Fashion Show promoting teen adoptions (Greensboro)
Two Board members elected to the National Independent Living Association (NILA) Board of Directors
Promoted the development of 23 local chapters in NC
Attending school and going to college at record numbers!
Media Involving SaySo Youths
Spectator Magazine Durham
People Magazine, January 2003
Fostering Perspectives (twice annually)
Independent Weekly - Durham
Charlotte Observer
UNC-TV feature on Child Abuse, April 2002
Fayetteville Observer
Burlington Times
Jamestown Press
WRAL For the Children
Raleigh News & Observer
NBC-17 Eastern NC
Fostering Families Magazine
Carolina Youth Alliance
Personal SaySo Member Accomplishments
Julia C. - 2006 Foster Club All Stars
Makeisha W. - 2005 National Youth of the Year
Melinda M. - 2003 National Youth of the Year
De'Von M. - 2002 National Youth of the Year
SaySo History
The following is a brief timeline of the LIFE OF SAYSO!
July 9, 1997: Discussions begin
ILR met staff from the Child Advocacy Institute (CAI - now known as Action for Children) at a state sponsored meeting. Nancy Carter from ILR mentioned that if any organization needed youths to speak at their functions to call ILR. Michelle Hughes from the CAI called. CAI had received a Kellogg grant to start a youth advocacy organization. CAI needed access to interested youths. ILR had been using youth speakers at Youth Days Summer Conferences who were already speaking out about changes needed for foster children.
April 17, 1998. A joint meeting of state and youth stakeholders was held.
Over 75 people attended the meeting in Burlington, NC. Adults outweighed the number of youths so the group was divided: adults in one room, youths in another to enable a safe environment for youths to speak freely. Youth concluded that a youth advisory organization was needed, however the youths wanted to be more than just an advisory council. The first name for SaySo was COFFEE which stood for Coalition of Friends and Family Educating Everywhere, but later changed to SAYSO, Strong Able Youth Speaking Out, which youths felt was more representative of who they are. This began a two year process of establishing the mission, by-laws, belief statement, policies, youth membership criteria, and adult advisor responsibilities to help govern the organization. It was a painstaking process but the founding members stayed focused and established the foundation which still exists today.
March 4, 2000. The first SaySo Conference was held in Burlington, NC.
The SaySo Youth Board of Directors stressed to overwhelming group (this time, more youths than adults) that SaySo is focused on learning to speak out constructively about the needs in the foster care system. Youth have continued to learn to not whine about the problems, but be part of the solution. By doing this, youths learn to speak in a manner that allows others to respect and take SaySo seriously.
Spring 2000: SaySo Makes a Difference.
The NC Chaffee budget was earmarked to be thrown out of the state budget which meant all independent living activities for NC would cease to exist. A legislative position paper was created to by SaySo to tell the story of why young people in foster care need life skills. The paper spread to legislators by a network of support with the Covenant for NC Children’s and helped to keep this funding active. The Chafee funding continues to keep SaySo and other LINKS project in place.
March 2003: SaySo becomes a non-profit organization with the support of the Fenwick Foundation. Frank Phoenix of the foundation becomes known as the "Grandfather of SaySo". The Fenwick Foundation continues to sponsor lunch at the SaySo Saturday Annual Conferences and dinner at the Board of Directors Orientation.
SaySo Saturday Annual Membership Conference: Come Home to SaySo
This free conference and "family reunion" is held annually on the first Saturday of March to commemorate the first SaySo Saturday and the continued mission to work to improve the substitute care system by educating the community, speaking out about needed changed, and providing support to youth that are and have been in substitute care. All members and alumni are invited to attend. Each year a new Board of Directors is elected to serve the membership, local chapters are commissioned, and the achievements of the year are acknowledged.
SaySo Administrative Team
SaySo Administrative Team
(Click to name to send an email to that person)
Executive Director- Carmelita Coleman
"Write your own life story and don't let anyone else hold the pen". Author Unknown
Administrative Assistant - Debbie Cornell
"Anything I can do to help, just let me know!"
Program Assistant- Gabrielle Foushee
"Passion never changes" -Paul Chen
Communiations Specialist - Kyle Reece
"In every job that must be done- there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap, the job's a game"
-Mary Poppins, whom I still miss dearly
SaySo Resource Development Coordinator - JD Williams
Chief Administrator- Nancy Carter
"I have been working with teens since 1983 but I'm not as old as that sounds
and I'm not done yet! Since co-founding SaySo in 1998, the young people of SaySo keep me young at heart! I am honored and continue to be jazzed by the motivation, creative ideas, and accomplishments of our young adults. Let's keep it going SaySo! So many young people need you to thrive and become the "strong able youth" that is growing inside. Share your resilience and help other silent youths find their voices."
SaySo Regional Assistants / Alumni Contractors
SaySo Regional Assistant (SRA)
SaySo can hire up to six SaySo Regional Assistants (SRA), one per region. If every region does not have a SRA, SaySo may hire an At-Large SRA from another region already represented to assist the organization. At no time will more than six SRA's be employed. SRA's are paid alumni, who reside in their home town and assist the SaySo Administrative Staff as needed to promote local chapters, assist at events and trainings, and expand SaySo membership in their community. SRA's are paid at either an hourly or daily rate to participate in meetings, speak to group, or be the voice of youth at a planning meeting. SRA's are paid monthly for task completion only.
Region 1- VACANT (Hiring)
Region 2- Titianna Goings (At Large)
Shanita Didly-Goings (At Large)
Region 3- Timothy Jordan
Region 4- Aqura Royster
Region 5- VACANT (Hiring)
Region 6- VACANT (Hiring)
Alumni Contractors
SaySo DHHS/ General Assembly Liaison - Damonique Levy
SaySo Youth Trainer - Marcella Middleton
SRA Job Description: Compensation and Evaluation
• SRA will be compensated for completed tasks (provided at a daily or hourly rate).
• SRA will create objectives for each event with feedback provided by event contacts.
• Mileage and expense forms submitted monthly. Forms will be in Excel and training will be provided by SaySo
• SRA is a one year opportunity. Reapplication is encouraged however that application will be evaluated in comparison to current applications, not on seniority.
• If a SRA is hired for a subsequent year, they may be eligible to receive a raise.
• SRA’s will be evaluated annually unless otherwise stated in a probationary contract.
Position Requirements
1. Reliable transportation (own vehicle preferred).
2. Age: 18 - 26 years.
3. High school diploma or GED (if involved in additional educational training). Some college training is preferred.
4. Must be familiar with the SaySo organization, mission, and programming.
5. Must have email and cell phone.
6. Must respond within 24 hours to messages/emails.
7. Access to computer utilizing MS Word and Excel.
8. Competence in Word and Excel (can provide simple training if necessary)
9. Currently is, or was in foster care as a teenager.
10. Agrees to background check and has no criminal record that would preclude working with foster youths or Division of Social Services
11. Must attend a two-day job training facilitated by SaySo, Inc.
12. Attend quarterly one-day meetings at SaySo office facilitated by SaySo Staff (4 days per year)
13. Attend SaySo Saturday, Regional LINK-UP (1), and SaySo Orientation. (5 days per year)
14. Provide all required reports to SaySo monthly (12 hours per year/1 hour per month reporting time)
15. Participate actively and constructively in all work activities such as publish something on the website at least quarterly.
Application Process:
1. Applicant documentation will be reviewed.
2. Applicants will be interviewed by SaySo Staff as needed.
3. If approved for the position, a criminal background check will be conducted prior to applicant being offered the position.
4. Assuming the criminal background check is satisfactory, position will be offered.
If interested, send the following documents to:
SaySo, Inc., 411 Andrews Road, Suite 140, Durham, NC 27705
1. Completed application (see below)
2. Current resume
3. Letter of intent
4. Written reference by someone who supervised you personally and/or professionally.
Questions?? Email SaySo [email protected] or call 800-820-0001.
SaySo Adult Supporters
The SaySo Adult Supporters
The Adult Supporter is normally a social worker or primary caregiver who supports their youth board member(s) by providing transportation and chaperoning (if necessary) to attend SaySo functions. SaySo, Inc, will provide traveling expenses if necessary to the adult supporter to facilitate youth participation.
Heather Cain (Region 1,Wilkes)
Tonya Robinson (Region 1, Yancey)
Andrea Elmore (Region 1, Wilkes)
Mary Carter (Region 2, Mecklenburg)
Anita Howard (Region 2, Mecklenburg)
Tracy Bullock (Region 3, Forsyth)
Kimberly Gibson (Region 3, Vance)
Hannah Stanley (Region 3, Alamance)
Sheletha Stewart (Region 3, Guilford)
Pamela Gainer (Region 4, Cumberland)
Kathy Richardson (Region 5, Halifax)