SaySo Administrative Team
SaySo Administrative Team
(Click to name to send an email to that person)
Executive Director- Carmelita Coleman
"Write your own life story and don't let anyone else hold the pen". Author Unknown
Chief Administrator- Nancy Carter
"I have been working with teens since 1983 but I'm not as old as that sounds smiley and I'm not done yet! Since co-founding SaySo in 1998, the young people of SaySo keep me young at heart! I am honored and continue to be jazzed by the motivation, creative ideas, and accomplishments of our young adults. Let's keep it going SaySo! So many young people need you to thrive and become the "strong able youth" that is growing inside. Share your resilience and help other silent youths find their voices."
Administrative Assistant -La'sharron Davidson
"Anything I can do to help, just let me know!"
Program Assistant- Gabrielle Foushee
"Passion never changes" -Paul Chen
Communiations Specialist - Kyle Reece
"In every job that must be done- there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap, the job's a game"
-Mary Poppins, whom I still miss dearly
SaySo Resource Development Coordinator - JD Williams
SaySo Community Engagement Coordinator - Angela Quijada
"I am an energetic and positive goal-oriented student pursuing my BSW at North Carolina Central University with a concentration in legislative,social and political change. I have decided to pursue entrepreneurship as I
believe in being your own boss. I am a self motivated youth who exudes confidence in leadership in all that I do. I believe that resilience and hard work can get you anywhere in life.I have participated in several different organizations and events to advocate for foster youth as well as the child welfare system including (just to name a few)
YV Lifeset- On the news and magazines
The National Foster Youth Institute ( leader) (I was selected to be an advocate for foster care in the Congressional Shadow Program )
After this opportunity , I have been selected to be a Pod Leader this year and will be in Washington D.C as of May 2017. I am apart of the first alumni cohort providing support , constructive criticism, advocacy and mentorship to current and aged out foster youth coming as a participant to the program.
Foster club's young Leaders of 2017
I share my voice where ever it can be heard because you just never know who may be listening.
I live by the quote ,
" If not me , then who ? If not Now , then when ?
-Angela Quijada