Social Security Income Info
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Dear Colleague,
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a new policy to help youth transitioning out of foster care access Supplemental Security Income (SSI)! Youth transitioning out of foster care are a particularly vulnerable population. Studies have confirmed what advocates in the field know from experience – that youth who age out of foster care are more likely to experience negative outcomes, including homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, and lack of access to health care. Many of these young people have disabilities that could qualify them for SSI, and that cash assistance can be a vital source of stability as they transition out of the foster care system. Yet too often, youth leave foster care without SSI benefits in place, and with no other source of income or support, placing them at a high risk of becoming homeless while they wait for their SSI applications to be processed and approved.
Fortunately, the SSA is piloting a new policy that allows foster youth of any age to apply for SSI up to 6 months (180 days) before they leave care. Beginning August 1, 2016, foster youth can submit an application and get a disability determination 6 months before their expected discharge date, even if they do not yet meet the income eligibility requirements due to their foster care payments.
This new policy is a one-year pilot program, and we need your help to make it successful! Here’s what you can do to help:
Use the new policy! Help foster youth apply for SSI 6 months before their expected discharge date.
Share this toolkit! This toolkit includes several resources intended to spread the news about SSA’s policy and to assist in the application process – share it with your colleagues. The toolkit is also available online at www.jlc.org/SSI or www.clsphila.org/FosterCareSSI.
Give us feedback! Tell us about any issues you encounter with the policy, as well as any success stories. We want SSA to see the benefit of the new policy, and so it’s important to be able to demonstrate the positive impact it has.
Karen U. Lindell Skadden
Fellow Juvenile Law Center [email protected]
Claire Grandison
Staff Attorney Community Legal Services [email protected]
Laura Kolb
Staff Attorney
Homeless Advocacy Project [email protected]