SaySo Young Adult Leadership Council
The SaySo Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) is an elected body of young people who meet the eligibility for SaySo membership. Each of the six regions can elect up to three representatives to the YALC to serve a one year term. Elections are held only on SaySo Saturday, annual membership conference held the first Saturday of March. The YALC is the only voting branch of the SaySo Team (adults and SRA's do not have voting power). Potential YALC members are nominated and voted upon during the Regional meetings held at SaySo Saturday. Elected YALC members are commissioned in June at SaySo Orientation. Attendance is mandatory.
The YALC is also comprised of two Executive Officers of SaySo who are serving a two year term: a Co-Chair, and either a Secretary (elected in even-numbered years) or Treasurer (elected in odd-numbered years). Executive officers are elected at SaySo Orientation by the newly commissioned BOD. At most, the BOD can have 20 members.
SaySo Adult Advisors
SaySo Adult Advisors are nominated by the Youth BOD, interviewed by BOD, and must be voted unanimously by the BOD to serve a two year term. Up to six adults provide guidance, supervision, transportation, and help open political and administrative doors to enable the Youth BOD to meet their goals. Adult Advisors support the SaySo Administrative Staff by assisting at organizational functions, workshops, and business meetings.
SaySo Adult Supporters
The Adult Supporter is normally a social worker or primary caregiver who supports their youth board member(s) by providing transportation and chaperoning (if necessary) to attend SaySo functions. SaySo Inc, will provide traveling expenses if necessary to the adult supporter to facilitate youth participation.
SaySo Regional Assistants
SaySo can hire up to six SaySo Regional Assistants (SRA), one per region. If every region does not have a SRA, SaySo may hire an At-Large SRA from another region already represented to assist the organization. At no time will more than six SRA's be employed. SRA's are paid alumni, who reside in their home town and assist the SaySo Administrative Staff as needed to promote local chapters, assist at events and trainings, and expand SaySo membership in their community. SRA's are paid at either an hourly or daily rate to participate in meetings, speak to group, or be the voice of youth at a planning meeting. SRA's are paid monthly for task completion only.