SaySo depends on the support of private donations from individuals and corporations to expand our programming and support young adults beyond what is provided in our relationship with NCDHHS.
We are also interested in hearing how SaySo can support your work or enhance the community engagement of your workplace or organization.
Donations to SaySo can be made by sending a check to:
Children’s Home Society NC
604 Meadow Drive
Greensboro, NC 27405
(Please place SaySo in the memo section)
Or by calling 800-632-1400
Thank you so much for supporting the young adults of North Carolina.
Thank you so much for supporting the young adults of North Carolina.
SaySo wants to give our most sincere thanks to all of our 2017 generous donors and supporters.
We are very grateful for your heartfelt kindness!
Thank you so much for your contributions.
THANK YOU to our generous donors!
American Airlines
Bill Krehnbrink
Chris Fletcher
Davenport Ministry Team
Demetrius Dudley
EATON Corporation
Frank Phoenix
Fenwick Foundation
JD Williams
Marcella Middleton
Marvin Family
NC Child
Roman Rys
Susan Allison
Teka Dempson