Job & Work
A job does not always have to be a paid position - but it helps. If paid employment is not available, consider getting "work experiences" that you can put on a resume to help you get a job down the road.
Employers like to see that you are interested in doing something constructive.
How to Find and Keep a Job
(Taken from the “The Pocket Guide to Independent Living,” ILR, Inc.)
Getting a Job:
I. Where to look?
a. Newspapers – Classified Ads
b. Employment Security Commission
See telephone book for address
Computer browsing of available jobs in a given area
Counselors will help
c. Employment Agencies
Fee is usually required
Some employment agencies deal only with temporary placements
d. Friends, neighbors, or relatives
II. How to begin to get a job
a. Call, write for, or pick up an APPLICATION
b. Complete all parts of the application
Use black ink
Keep it neat
Spell everything correctly
Provide complete and accurate information
c. Return application promptly and in good condition (not wrinkled, torn or spotted)
d. Make a follow up call in about a week if you have not heard from the company
Interviewing Tips:
III. Having a good interview
a. Shower, shave (if appropriate), wash hair, and brush teeth before going for interviews
b. Do not chew gum or smoke
c. Dress in clean, neatly pressed, appropriate clothing and clean, polished shoes
d. Arrive at least 5 minutes early (never late)
e. Inform secretary or receptionist of your presence and purpose
f. Greet interviewer politely
g. Offer to handshake only if the interviewer extends hand first
h. Wait to be told to be seated
i. Answer all questions in complete sentences
Always give honest answers
Maintain eye contact
Smile often
Use proper grammar (no slang or vulgarity)
Keep answers to the point and in response to what was asked
j. Do not touch things in office or on the desk
k. Keep feet on the floor
l. Try to hold questions until asked if you have any
Keeping a Job
IV. Helpful hints for keeping a job
Report to work when scheduled
Arrive on time/leave as allowed
Keep sick time to a minimum
Call in when ill
Request time off as early as possible
b. Do QUALITY work
Do job to exact specifications
Correct mistakes
Do assigned jobs completely
Do not be careless
Never think that “Close enough is good enough”
Take pride in doing each job well
Be cheerful
Be cooperative
Accept requests willingly
Offer positive comments
Learn to express feelings in words
Describe situations accurately and clearly
Talk out problems and concerns
Changing Jobs
V. When to change jobs
a. When your hours/pay are not enough
b. When problems at present job cannot be resolved to mutual satisfaction
c. When the work you are doing is no longer satisfying
d. When you have an opportunity to advance with another company
e. When home and work are too far apart
VI. How to change jobs properly
a. Give notice of intent to employer
Minimum two weeks/Maximum 30 days
b. Leave on good terms
May need to use present employer as a reference
c. Return all work items provided by employer
d. Give forwarding address so that final paychecks, W-2 forms, etc., can be sent