So...You are about to turn 18 and have NO IDEA what needs to happen!!!! First of all...remember that this is a HUGE change and you have every right to be nervous...It is very normal to go a little CRAZY once you turn 18. Well, SaySo has created a checklist for those foster youth about to become independent CLICK HERE! To check out the list and see if you have completed everything... This list works better for those that are 16-17 so that you have PLENTY of time to be PREPARED by your 18th birthday. Make sure to make this a PRIORITY...Time will go by faster than you think and here at SaySo, we want you to be READY FOR ANYTHING! Interested in learning a new skill? Want to learn how to fix cars, become a carpenter, or even make cheese? North Carolina has a wonderful Apprenticeship program that can get you started. Just visit to learn more about the Apprenticeship programs in NC Interested in attending Community College or a 4 year In state College in North Carolina? can help you apply for North Carolina's scholarship program for youth who have aged out of the foster care system or who were adopted at and after age 12. You can receive up tp $11,000 for school PER YEAR! is a great website to learn the skills needed when you are on your way in the world. All you have to do is register with the website...which is FREE! All of the information that you place on the site will be saved and will be secure. Please check out our LINKS section on the TOP MENU for more links that may be helpful as you learn how to survivr out there on your own! CLICK HERE! For information on ETV and NCREACH funding support for college. This is just a useful description of the programs. Make sure to check out these websites - listed above - for more support!