The Pongo Teen Writing Project is a volunteer, nonprofit program for teens who are in jail, on the streets, or in other ways leading difficult lives. We love to help young people express themselves through poetry, especially teens who have never written before. We believe that people who have led difficult lives have important things to say. Hope for the Holidays - CLICK HERE for some words of encouragement from Foster Youth! Here are some poems from our SaySo Board of Directors ---> A Forgotten Child ---> A Return to Love ---> Able Youth Speaking Out * ---> I Miss You ---> Jackie Can Rhyme? ---> NO Fairytale Ending ---> Our History Together ---> Sadly Forgotten ---> The Red Flood * = In a unanimous vote, The SaySo Board of Directors voted this rap be posted with their work If you are interested in having your Poems or Stories on our website please submit them to
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! We would love to hear from YOU!!!!!