The presentations in this section were all developed and written by SaySo youths. We welcome you to..
view them,
save them to your computer,
use them with groups...
just share them with others!
If you would like SaySo to do a presentation or panel discussion with your group, email [email protected] or call Lauren Zingraff at 800-820-0001.
Groups sponsoring a SaySo presentation are asked to consider a stipend for each youth involved in the presentation and travel costs as needed.
Current presentation available on this site include:
Working with Youth (for GAL's)
NYTD Training for youth by SaySo
What's Up with Social Media? (Social Networking)
SaySo Survivor VII - Tony Brazil's Presentation
If your youth organization has created a presentation and would like it posted to this website, please email the presentation to [email protected] for approval. Your organization will be given credit for its work.